Page 94 of Magic's Dawn

Mel clasps her hands together. “We’re going to do three spells today. Some of you are already familiar with the first one, while it will be new to others. It’s a spell that calls on the forces of nature to protect us but does not require a specific affinity to complete.”

“I’d like one of our own to demonstrate the spell.” Aspen’s piercing blue eyes fix on me. “Rowe, please come to the center of the circle and show everyone how to summon the watchtowers.”

“Me?” My heart skips a beat, and I glance at my new, untested wand.

Fear that it might not work, or worse, that it will break, gnaws at my already shredded confidence.

Aspen walks over to me and leans in to whisper, “It’s the same spell as the one you performed yesterday, just on a larger scale, with you at the center of the circle instead of an object. You’ve done it, even without a wand to assist you.”

I swallow hard and nod, stepping into the circle.

Mel gives me an encouraging smile as she holds out the bag she carries.

Inside, I find four candles and a book of matches.

“First, Rowe will draw the circle,” Aspen explains, and passes me a piece of driftwood. “The circle sets a boundary for the spell, giving it a limit on how far it can reach.”

“Make it big enough to stand in without risking tipping over the candles,” Mel whispers.

Nodding, I press the end of the wood into the sand and start drawing.

“This spell can be performed solo, but it is often performed in groups of four, a witch for each element in nature,” Aspen continues. “It can be small, or it can be large, but it is always the same spell.”

I glance at the members of our coven. While Delilah and Tris wear expressions of understanding, the rest seem captivated by the unexpected lesson. Did they not all perform the wand spell the same way I did?

Aspen gestures toward me. “Rowe has summoned the watchtowers several times, even though she’s not an elemental witch. It’s a testament to the spell’s flexibility.”

My mind races, piecing together the puzzle. I copied the diagram from Delilah’s grimoire, but I don’t remember Mel or Aspen teaching the summoning spell. The others might not have performed the ritual to create their wands.

I hesitantly pull out my phone for my compass app, my shoulders stiff as I wait for Aspen to berate me for not being able to tell my directions.

Instead, he just continues to explain as I stuff my colored candles into the right spots in the sand.

Green candle in the North for earth.

White candle in the East for air.

Red candle in the South for fire.

And blue candle in the West for water.

“First, Rowe will demonstrate the spell, then we’ll go over it again in case anyone misses the words.” Aspen and Mel step off to the side, out of the way of my circle so everyone can see. “Summoning the watchtowers is to ask for protection from the energies of the world around us, a request to bless what is in the center of the circle. It’s a good spell to cast before performing a greater spell that has the potential to cause harm.”

Nothing to it. As Aspen said, I’ve performed this spell a few times now. This is just the same on a bigger scale.

I pull a finger stick from the bag, leaving a dozen others behind, and grab the matches before setting the bag outside the circle.

Crouching in front of the white candle for air, I light it, then prick my finger and drip blood into the flames.

My voice shakes as I raise it to be heard above the crash of the waves. “Guardians of the watchtower of the East, I summon thee. Lend me your protection.”

I step to the right, moving to the red candle for fire and repeat the process. “Guardians of the watchtower of the South, I summon thee. Lend me your protection.”

Next comes the blue candle for water. Blood now drips freely from my finger as I drip it into the flame and summon the watchtower.

Last comes earth, and even before my blood sizzles in the flame, the sand beneath my feet trembles.

I step back, pointing my wand at the candle. “Guardians of the watchtower of the North, I summon thee. Lend me your protection.”