Page 39 of Magic's Dawn

“And Tris couldn’t protect you from Bryant taking you,” she continues gently.

My hands curl into fists on my thighs. “He tried.”

“And Ambros couldn’t stop his father from coming here to destroy our sanctuary.” Her gaze remains steady on me. “All of your mates have proven they’re not enough to protect you.”

I shake my head. “That’s not what my dreams are about.”

“You need to forgive them for letting you down,” she says. “And you need to forgive yourself. None of what’s happened was within your control, but how you move forward can be.”

I stiffen. “I don’t blame them for what’s happened.”

“Not consciously, but something is causing these feelings. And you won’t be able to move forward until you face them.” She stands. “The battle and what happened yesterday are dredging up feelings you’ve repressed. I’d like to talk with you again in two days.”

Of course, she would. She likes digging into my brain.

She walks to a locked cabinet against one wall. “In the meantime, I’d like to put you on some medication.”

I stiffen with alarm at the suggestion. “What kind?”

“One to help you sleep. Exhaustion is a trigger for hallucinations and anxiety.” She opens the door and pulls out two bottles. “I’ve heard you struggle with learning magic, so the other is to help you focus.”

I frown. “What do you mean?”

She turns back to me with two pill bottles in her hand. “Has anyone ever discussed ADHD with you?”

I shake my head.

“Symptoms include forgetfulness, short attention span, fidgeting…” She smiles when I instantly stop picking at my sweater. “You have many of the markers. So does Tris, and we’ve been discussing options on how to manage it.”

I tuck my hands behind my back. “I don’t need those.”

“Your distrust is understandable, but not all medication is harmful, and the right ones can change your life.” She holds out the bottles. “Think of it like when you have a headache. You take a pain reliever, and it takes away your headache. This is the same thing, only it’s to help your mind focus.”

Reluctantly, I take the bottles and shove them into my pockets. “I’ll think about it.”

“That’s all I ask.” She gestures for me to follow her to the door. “Try the sleep medicine for tonight. A good night’s rest should help with your feelings of paranoia and anxiety. And come back to see me in two days for another session.”

“I’ll see what my schedule looks like.” I step out into the hall, and my pockets rattle uncomfortably with the pills. “Let Haut know as soon as you find anything conclusive.”

And I’ll torment Haut until he shares the information.

The look she gives me says she knows what I’m thinking, but she only nods. “Have a good day, Rowe.”

Instead of leaving, I wait until her back is turned before I walk down the hall to Mrs. Smith’s room, where Tris’s cajoling voice drifts out.

I tiptoe past and continue down the hall to the heavy metal door at the back marked Coroner’s Office. In a town this size, Dr. Lopez is a jack of all trades, seeing to the sick and the dead all in one place.

Yesterday, I ran before I got a good look at the wound on the body, and the person being in their wolfman form made it doubly difficult to make out the damage.

But the way the werewolf ripped into my mom will forever be burned into my memory. If I can get a closer look at the wolfman, I won’t need to wait for Dr. Lopez’s confirmation of whether this was a werewolf attack.

There are only three werewolves in Hartford Cove, and only one who can shift outside of the full moon. While I know Owen would never attack someone without provocation, the rest of the town still has mixed feelings toward my mate.

Feelings about him have improved since my return, but not everyone is happy that he’s now the Alpha. If this is a werewolf attack, we need to figure out how it happened before news of the death reaches the rest of the town.

Will the town people come for Owen once they hear the news? Will they give my gentle lover a chance to defend himself?

We can’t leave such things to chance.