Page 11 of Magic's Dawn

The early morning holds a chill in the air with the promise of fall. I’m excited to see what Hartford Cove does for Halloween. Owen said there’s a festival, and I’m crossing my fingers for candied apples.

Despite the early hour, several people walk the street, and a few call out to me or wave.

I return the greetings, using names when I know them and making note of those I don’t, so I can quiz Owen or Haut later.

It’s unfair that everyone knows me, but I don’t know everyone.

As another man calls out a greeting, Aspen asks, “Did you grow up here?”

“No.” I wave at the man. “I spent the summers here until I was nine. After my mom died, I stopped visiting. I only returned a couple months ago.”

His brows pinch together. “But everyone knows who you are.”

I pause and turn back to face the way we came and point at the large house on the hill that overlooks the town. “That’s the Wendall witch’s house. It protects the town, in a figurative way. The Wendall witch helped found Hartford Cove and is responsible for the barrier that protects the town from outsiders. I’m the last of the line.”

“So you’re a big deal here,” he says. “I understand what you’re saying.”

“No, you don’t. It’s just a name, and the barrier isn’t special. I can be replaced, as Mel’s moms demonstrated when they fixed the barrier after the huntsmen attacked.” I turn back around and head for the double, glass doors to our left. “Come on, I’ll show you the vet clinic. Tris spends a lot of time here. This is his priority, not magic classes.”

“That’s not how this works.” Aspen follows me into the waiting room of the clinic, and his nose twitches at the smell of dog that permeates the air. “Learning magic takes dedication and commitment. He’ll need to quit.”

“That’s a very privileged viewpoint.” I look up at him. “Is that how you ran your previous coven?”

“Of course.” He lifts his chin. “If you want to learn magic, there can be no distractions.”

“So you only mentored rich witches who didn’t need to worry about paying bills.” I lift my brows. “What happened to the witches who tried to join a coven and couldn’t dedicate all their time to it?”

“If they’re not willing to commit to learning, then they have no place in my coven. I only teach the best.” A note of pride rings in his voice. “My students go on to pass the third-ring trials and create covens of their own.”

I shake my head. “It’s sad that you think that’s something to brag about.”

A young cub comes bounding into the waiting room, and I kneel, bracing myself for his clumsy excitement.

“Hey, Westen, still sticking with wolf, I see.” I offer him a slice of bacon and scratch the top of his head, his brown fur soft beneath my fingertips. “Are you going to attend puppy time tonight?”

He barks and snaps the bacon from my fingers before turning and racing back behind the counter.

I stand and turn to Aspen. “His mom died during the battle. He hasn’t turned back to human since then. He’s been staying at the clinic while the town figures out what to do with him.”

Sympathy fills Aspen’s eyes. “What about his father?”

“He’s not in the picture.” I lead the way down the hall.

One of the exam room doors is closed, which must be Westen’s grandpa speaking to Dr. Lopez about the kid’s condition.

I stop at a room in the back and knock on the door before popping my head inside. “Hey, Mrs. Smith. How’s my favorite sourpuss?”

The skinny old woman glares at me from her hospital bed. “I’d be better if you’d leave me in peace.”

“Peaceful times ahead, I promise.” I step into the room and slide the plate of bacon onto the table that stretches over her bed. “I’m just the delivery fairy, here to give you the good stuff while Dr. Lopez is distracted.”

Her lips purse into a pruney frown. “What are you up to now?”

I tuck my hands behind my back. “Can’t a girl just give an old hag some bacon for no reason?”

“Not in my experience.” She takes a piece and nibbles on it. “What do you want?”

“For you to turn your frown upside down.” I pick up the puzzle book on her table and flip through it, seeing that most of the puzzles are solved. “Want me to bring you some apple pie next time?”