Page 22 of Magic's Dawn

When I cast more panicked eyes over my shoulder at Ros, he gives me two thumbs up before heading into the house.

I turn back to Delilah. “It’s more of a team effort. Did he tell you he stayed up all night boarding up windows?”

“I heard, though not from him. I worry he pushes himself too hard, trying to fix what our father has done.” She squeezes my arm. “Make sure he gets rest tonight.”

“I’ll handcuff him to the bed if I have to,” I promise.

She chuckles. “I said make sure he rests, not wear him out.”

My face catches on fire. “Handcuff to sleep, nothing else.”

We enter the garden, and her gaze moves around the space with appreciation. “I had a garden, once. It was my joy.”

“If you like, you can come here whenever you want.” I gaze around the space, wishing I had the same level of enthusiasm. “I have a bit of a black thumb, and Haut doesn’t like the work, but does it in memory of my grandma. The plants would probably appreciate someone who cares.”

She sighs. “I would enjoy that very much.”

I mentally add daily pick-ups to my to-do list as I lead her to the table at the front. “Choose whichever color you like.”

Her hand trembles as she touches a green, leather-bound journal, and tears shimmer in her eyes. “I haven’t had a grimoire in so long.”

I jolt at the reminder that, unlike the rest of us, Delilah grew up among witches and already has training. But her father stole that part of her life when he killed her wolf shifter mate and locked her up until she learned her lesson.

A lesson that stole over a decade of her life.

Delilah clutches the green journal to her chest as I lead her to the table where Harper sits. Once she settles on one of the chairs, I return to the table to fill a glass of lemonade and bring her the cup of pens and pencils to choose from.

She selects a pencil with a cloud eraser on the top, murmuring her appreciation.

With our coven now assembled, I stand at the front to address the group. “Alright, everyone, Mel will be here soon with Aspen. And just a bit of a warning, he can be an entitled snob, but try not to hold it against him. He had a privileged upbringing and needs a little time to settle into life in Hartford Cove.”

Ambyrlynn, a petite woman with curly brown hair, raises her hand. “Will we have to pass a test to remain a part of this coven?”

Worried nods come from several of the women. Many of them had tried to join covens before and been rejected. Bryant had lured them into the Sunlight Project by promising they could meet other witches like themselves.

“Absolutely not.” My hands move to my hips. “He’s here to teach, but he doesn’t have the authority to kick any of you out. So long as you want to be here, you have a place in this coven.”

Ginny, her almond-shaped black eyes shimmering with tears, lifts a hand. “What if we can’t learn what he teaches?”

“Then we’ll get someone who’s better at teaching.” I gaze around at their nervous faces. “Mel’s here to stay, and you all know she’s committed to our coven. Just think of Aspen as opinionated arm candy.”

“What a lovely introduction,” a cool voice says from behind me.

I glance over my shoulder at Mel and Aspen as they enter the garden before turning back to those in front of me. “Attractive, opinionated arm candy.”

“At least you’re consistent.” Aspen steps up to the table and studies the leftover grimoires before nodding to me. “Please, have a seat with the rest of the class.”

With a salute, I head toward the back, where Tris saved a seat for me.

“Nu uh. You sit in the front, Rowe,” Mel commands.

“But…” I look at the single chair left at Delilah and Harper’s table. “There’s only one seat.”

“You and Tris aren’t allowed to sit together during lessons,” she says firmly. “You’ll only distract each other.”

“Boo,” Tris hisses from the back.

“I already hate this.” I settle into my seat at the front, and Tris passes my grimoire to the table in front of him, who passes it to me.