Page 58 of Awakening His Mate

I move over to the sofa, dropping onto it and crossing my legs beneath me. Closing my eyes, I draw on my power until it builds inside me, a bright spark waiting to be directed somewhere, but with nowhere to go, it soon fizzles out.

As they usually do, my thoughts settle on the Order and what they want with hybrid soldiers. Everything I can think of doesn’t make sense, and Ayden hasn’t divulged anything more, although I’m almost certain he knows something.

Being away from Jackson has had an effect I didn’t expect. With so much time to be inside my own head, I’m unable to escape the fear of possibly having been part of the Order’s breeding program.

My hand presses against my flat stomach as dark thoughts swirl through my mind.

I’ve not been able to get it out of my head.

Was I bred?

I have to assume so—we were imprinted after all, and what other reason would there be for that?

And if we were, I have to consider that I may have a pup out there.

Mine and Jackson’s baby…

I lean my head against the couch cushion, my stomach knotting.

I would know, wouldn’t I?

Birth isn’t exactly easy. My body would bear the scars of that, surely?

I try to force my brain to remember, but all I get is a blinding headache. I have to hope that means there was never one.

If there was, it would mean I left my child behind, and that thought tears me to shreds.

I need answers. I need to fill in the blanks in my mind, and there is only one person here who can help.

No one is meant to go near him, but I shove my feet into my boots, quickly lacing them, before grabbing my coat on the way out of the cabin.

It’s rained steadily in the past few days, so the grass around the paths is sodden. I keep to the gravel, checking behind me every few steps to make sure I’m not being followed or watched. It’s barely after dawn, so the Sanctuary is quiet. I don’t see any lights on in any of the cabins, which gives me the confidence to push on.

I swing around the side of the main house, making a beeline for the garage. As I approach, my heart stutters. I don’t fear Ayden. Even power-wise, I can hold my own, but going inside without telling anyone will be seen as a betrayal by the guys, and they already don’t like me.

The door is locked with a padlock, but I find the key hidden above the frame and carefully unlock it, still glancing around to make sure no one sees me.

Certain I am alone, I slip into the building, shutting the door behind me.

The space is dark, with the windows high up barely casting any light, but it is enough to see Ayden sitting in a chair, his arms pulled behind his back. I expect him to be asleep, but his head is raised, his eyes locked to mine.

“I’m guessing you’re not here to feed me or are you going to take me on my daily walk around the garage? I’m not sure why your people are bothering to exercise me when you plan on killing me.”

I shake my head, stepping closer, but keeping enough distance that he can’t reach me if he somehow manages to free an arm or a leg. “No, I’m sorry. I’m sure someone will be here to do that soon.” I’m glad to hear they’ve released him from the chair for a time. He must be sore and stiff.

He snorts. “How long are you going to keep me here? People are going to worry about me. They’ll come for me eventually.”

A ripple of unease works through me at the veiled threat. “I wanted to ask you some questions. You seem to know a lot about the Order.”

His jaw flexes, and his shoulders tighten. “I make it my business to know everything I can about those who want me dead.”

“You need to tell me what you know.”

He laughs. “Is this the next stage of the interrogation process? They send in the sweet, broken tau to try to talk some sense into me?”

I flinch at the way he calls me broken. I don’t want to be seen that way. “I’m not broken, and it’s in your interest to tell us what you know. We have a common enemy, but the secrecy, the talking in riddles—all it’s doing is giving the Order more power against us. You need to tell us everything you know.”

“And what do I get out of that? The moment I open up, your friends are just going to kill me.”