Page 111 of Awakening His Mate


Even from here, I can see how round her eyes get as the vargr wolf looms over her. She scrabbles up onto her elbows while Archie and Beck yell at the big guy, but to no avail. He doesn’t seem to notice or care.

His gaze is drawn to Apryle. He doesn't blink or look away from her for a second. She doesn’t break eye contact either as she stares up at him, her chest heaving as she pants in a way that has nothing to do with the exercise she was doing.

The air feels charged, electric, power-heavy, and I realize why at the same time as Apryle’s eyes fill with terror.

She’s his.

His mouth pulls into a smirk as he takes her in fully before spitting out one word that seems to reverberate around the hall.


Chapter 29


Every day, it gets harder to remember who I am. I repeat my name over and over, but even that feels borrowed.


I’m… Who am I again?

I have to dig deep inside me for the name, but it feels like trying to catch steam. I close my eyes, squeezing them tight as I try to remember.


The amount of relief I feel as I grip onto it is overwhelming. I sink back against the wall behind me, drawing my knees to my chin. The whiteness of the room mocks me. It is so sterile, it should feel cold, but my skin is heated beneath the white gown I’m wearing.

I’ve been running a fever for at least two days now, but it hasn’t offered any reprieve from the nonstop training sessions I’m subjected to.

At least they haven’t taken you to that part of the facility…

I tried to ignore that voice in my head. I don’t want to think about what they’re doing there. I’ve seen enough in the video feed. A female being taken by a male against her will—it was seared into my brain.

They’re breeding the captives they have here, though I haven’t been able to work out why. Since that day, the guards have kept me under strict surveillance, and no one talks to me since I lost…

Who did I lose?

Different faces dance through my mind, but I can’t focus on a single one. I fist my hands over my temples, as if it can block out whatever is holding me back. I know they are slowly eroding my mind here. Every day another small piece is chipped away, and it scares me to know that I will become one of them eventually.

A husk.

A mindless zombie doing only the bidding of others.

The sound of the key in the lock has my head snapping up. I’d get to my feet if I could, but my legs are tired. In fact, my entire body hurts.

The two guards that step in are familiar to me, though I don’t know their names. No one ever shares names in this place. They don’t want you to remember anything that can be used to anchor you.

They move instantly to either side of me, hooking their hands under my armpits and dragging me up. My legs instantly try to fold as my head rushes with dizziness.

One of the guards hits the back of my legs, making me cry out as slicing pain wraps through my calves. “Stand up.” Then he says to his colleague, “I'm telling you, I ain’t in the mood for these bitches today.”

That hurts. I want to tell him to go fuck himself, but I swallow down my words. It will only result in a beating, and I am already too exhausted to withstand it.

I hang limply between them as they drag me out of the room and down the long, sterile corridor that feels like the green mile. I don’t bother raising my head again until they take me into a room and push me into a chair.

When I do, I see a dark uniform, a black long-sleeved shirt, and a shock of white hair.