Plus, the phone call she’d gotten thrown off by had been an important one. It was to schedule one of the final steps left to get approval for Marley to adopt Noah legally. All we had to do was get the last few potential hazards in the building taken care of by the time the social worker came to visit, then, with her sign-off, we could finally move forward with all the paperwork.

Right, that’s what we’d come in the garden shed for—the electrical equipment. To finally finish up the last bits of work on the wiring and sockets so I could finish dry-walling and painting the last few rooms that remained unfinished.

I moved a few things around until I found my box of equipment. There was an electrician on his way already, but there was simpler stuff I was pretty sure I could handle myself. I’d pay the electrician to double-check my work was all good before I closed the wall up.

“You feeling nervous about the visit from the social worker?” Marley asked.

“Honestly? For once, no. I feel really confident about it being okay,” I said as I opened a few drawers, looking for more electrical tape. “How about you?”

“I feel nervous,” she admitted. “I think it’s more of a trauma response. I think I’m just used to waiting for the other shoe to drop, you know?”

I nodded, finally finding the tape I was looking for and turning around. I gave her a long kiss on the top of her head and sighed. “I know, sweetheart,” I said. “But I think we’re out of the woods with this crap, finally. I think we can trust that at least this part can go well.”

She smiled and nodded, tucking herself under my arm as we walked out of the shed, locking it up behind us. “Yeah, maybe you’re right,” she said. “Better to hope for the best.”

“Right,” I said. “Optimism.”

“Optimism,” she agreed.

“So, you going to be off soon?” I asked.

Lana had asked—no, begged—for Marley to come help her with a small tea she was hosting for some local shifter business owners, and it was almost time for her to leave. She gave me another adorable pout, her shoulders sagging. “I don’t want to be away from you,” she grumbled.

“It won’t be long. Just a few hours,” I said. I leaned down and nipped gently at the shell of her ear before saying, “I’m sure you can handle a few hours without me between your legs, sweetheart.”

She gave my chest a swat, and I laughed, backing away a little. “No?” I asked. “Can’t do it?”

“Remains to be seen,” Marley said begrudgingly.

“Well, the sooner you get out of here, the sooner you get to come back to me,” I said. “Go have some nice girl time with your best friend, and I’ll get as much done as I can while you’re gone so I can give you all the attention you could possibly want.”

She gave me a sheepish little smile and nodded happily. It never ceased to amaze me how my wife could be the sexiest woman alive one moment and the most adorable thing I’d ever seen the next.

I kissed the top of her head and gave her ass a little swat. “Go on,” I teased. “I’ll see you later.”

She let out a little yelp before sticking her tongue out at me and scurrying out of the shed, moving to where the car was parked. I smiled to myself as I double-checked I had everything I needed for my work for the day. Once I was sure I had it all, I left the shed and made my way back into headquarters, going right for the floor where all our dormitories were.

On the way, I passed Travis, who gave me an unimpressed look. “Holy hell,” he said. “You fucking reek of sex, dude.”

“Jealous?” I asked as he fell into step with me.

“Not at all,” he said. “I remember those days. Two words: dick chafing.”

“That is officially way too much information.”

“Stupid games, stupid prizes,” he retorted.

“Why are you following me?” I asked. “Don’t you have your own shit to do?”

“Yes, but I also never pass up a chance to give you shit. What’s on your docket today, anyway?”

“Electrician’s supposed to be here within the hour,” I said. “Just doing what I can with the electrical stuff until then.”

“Oh, that reminds me. Can you go check the outlet in Lelani’s room? She says it’s sparking, and getting electrocuted is above my pay grade.”

“Damn, again?” I said. “Yeah, I’ll go do that first. Now, go away if you think I reek so badly.”

“With pleasure,” he said, socking me in the arm before breaking off from me.