“Because you need it. That's why you fell for Ginger, because you like to be disciplined,” Lana said with a grunt as she pulled the cork out with a sigh. “Finally! I thought I was gonna have to crack it open.”

I held out my hand, grabbing for it with a smile. “Gimme, gimme.”

“Marley, you’re so cute,” Rosie cooed, hugging me close.

“You’re cute!” I squealed back.

“Are you sure you guys aren’t muff-diving on the side?” Paulette asked.

“Not everyone wants to switch from hot dogs to tacos!” Lana said, swatting her. “Some of us are capable of having pure female friendships without getting in their pants!”

“That makes it sound like I’m some kind of a predator! If that’s all it took, I would have been trying to crawl into all y’all’s pants ages ago,” Paulette rebuked.

“Wait...” Lana said, frowning. “You’re right. What the fuck, Paulette? Why didn’t you try to get in my pants?”

“Because you have your thong edged so far up your ass that you’re flossing with it,” Paulette said.

“God, you’re mean,” Lana said admiringly. “I love you.”

“I love you too, bitch. A TOAST!” Paulette cried, thrusting her glass into the air and splattering it on the bedspread with no care. “To sexy bitches!”

"To friendship," Lana added, clinking her wine glass against Paulette’s.

“To wine!” I chimed in, hastily filling my glass and clinking it.

“To, uh, soundproofing?” Rosie said, joining in last. “Wait. Is it, actually?”

“No comment,” I answered, drinking deeply. “Oh, shit, this one’s really good.”

“Oh, come on! No fun!” Rosie whined.

“It’s not that hard to test it,” Lana pointed out. “Just go outside, and we’ll scream. You can tell us if you hear us or not.”

“Lana, cut it out!” I shouted. “Rosie is so innocent. Don’t corrupt her.”

“I’m not that innocent,” Rosie protested.

“Shhh,” I said, putting a finger over her lips. “Shhh. You are, baby.”

“Just for that,” Rosie said, swatting my hand away. “I think I will test the sound-proofiness.”

“Sound-poofiness?” Paulette repeated.

“Proof-ee-ness,” Lana corrected.

“That’s not a word, though,” Paulette said.

“But ‘sound-poofiness’ is?” Lana said.

“Everyone, shut up! I’m going to test it!” Rosie shouted, getting up from the bed and scurrying to the door.

“How are you gonna test it if we shut up?” I asked.

“Oh,” she said with her hand on the door handle. “You’re right. Okay, don’t shut up. When I'm outside, scream super-LOUD!” she shouted as if demonstrating before throwing the door open and hurrying through the doorway. She slammed the door behind her a little too hard.

As soon as she was out, we all raised our voices as loud they would go, hooting and hollering, our glasses up in the air like we were having a bachelorette party. A few seconds later, Rosie opened the door and poked her head in with a surprised expression.

“Oh my god, guys, I could barely hear it!” she whispered conspiratorially. “Marley...what does Cole do to you in here?”