I almost choked seeing it, immediately flashing back to Cole claiming me in the forests of Georgia. Paulette and Ginger both gave me a questioning look, and I waved a quick, dismissive hand, not wanting to get into it. Especially not with Cole’s sister.

“I’ll come find you when I’m done,” Ginger said with a little shrug before taking her leave.

We all watched Ginger retreat before Paulette turned on me with a conspiratorial gaze. “Now what was that about?” Paulette asked.

“What?” I asked, trying to seem innocent.

“You saw that whistle and went red as a damn beet! That’s what. Fucking spill.”

“No, not while everyone is here,” I said.

“Come onnnnn,” Paulette whined. “You haven't told me about your sexcapades in months. It’s the least you can do for me. I’ll never have a dick in me again at this rate. Well…not a real one, anyway.”

“Oh. My god.” Rosie groaned, covering her face.

“Paulette. I am acting in an official capacity right now,” I growled.

“Ugh, fine,” Paulette whined. “Back to the original question, then. What are we hugging it out over?” She glanced between Rosie and me.

“We’re having a sleepover tonight,” I announced, happy to change the subject.

“What?!” Paulette squealed. “Oh my god, that’s perfect! I’ll stay over, too! Then we can all talk about the amazing sex we’ve been having.”

“Speak for yourself,” Rosie said glumly.

“Bitch, for all we know, you could be the one having the amazing sex,” Paulette enthused. “Did you see how that little emo shifter boy has been staring at you all night?”

“Emo shifter boy?” I repeated.

“I don’t remember his name. The one with the mommy issues.”

“Ashton?” I said. “Also, Paulette, have you been drinking?”

“Obviously,” she said unabashedly. “You have free wine. I simply took advantage of the offering.”

I snorted a laugh and sighed. “Okay, fine. We’ll make it a proper girls night, but you have to promise no sex talk until we don’t have a bunch of people around. The last thing I need is for people to think about Cole and me in compromising positions while we’re trying to enforce a rule or something.”

“Okay, deal,” Paulette agreed. “Oh my god, I’m so excited to have another sleepover. I’m going to go get Lana. And more wine.”

“Bring some for us, too!” I called after her as she scurried toward the foyer.

I looked at Rosie as Paulette vanished and found her flushing. “You okay?” I asked.

She bit down on her lower lip. “Do you think she was right about that?” she asked. “About Ashton, uh, maybe being interested in me?”

I blinked and put a hand to my chest. “Um, what?” I cried, realizing what she was really saying. “Oh my god, Rosie!”

“W-what? He's cute, isn’t he? And he seems like a nice guy,” she said. “I—I mean, aside from the—this was a dumb thing to ask you, wasn’t it?”

I laughed before shaking my head. “No,” I said. “Honestly, if I held a grudge against every shifter who started problems with me, I’d be hard-pressed to find any shifters who could be my friends and work with me.”

“God, are we that bad?”

“No, not at all,” I said. “It’s just that a lot of shifters we work with here understandably feel a little uncomfortable around nonshifters.”

“Pretty soon, that won’t be you, though, right?” Rosie pointed out. “Soon enough, you’re going to be a shifter, too.”

I inhaled deeply, my stomach doing flips at the idea. I was excited, yes, but I was also so nervous about the whole process. A lot of pain and discomfort awaited me. “Yeah, hopefully,” I said. “There are some risks involved, but I really do want nothing more than to be a shifter with all of you. At this point, it would be a dream come true.”