“Sometimes, my partner preferred to take one out in the privacy of the bathroom. Others liked to extend play for a few moments by having me take care of it. A lot of people are unceremonious about it—they just reach back there and pluck it out.”

“Jesus,” I mumbled.

“Tell you what,” he said. “Let me take care of it this time, and if you dislike it, you can try the other ways next time. Assuming you enjoyed anal play, that is.”

“I—I did,” I admitted. “Should I, like, flip over?”

He shook his head and lifted me up in his arms, bridal-style, moving me over to the mountain of pillows to prop my shoulders up. “Is this comfortable?” he asked, his voice soft and affectionate.

I nodded, nibbling on the inside of my lip.

“Good,” he said, smoothing his hand up the side of my thigh. “Just relax, sweetheart. There’s nothing you could do to lose my affection. There’s not a thing in the world that would make me unattracted to you or gross me out.”

I heaved out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Maybe that was why I was freaking out—it wasn’t as if I’d been…well…prepared for this today. I’d done a little research back in the day about anal play, and I remembered reading about…well, frankly, it was embarrassing to even think about it.

“What if there’s s-stuff on it?”

“No big deal,” he promised me. “Remember, I raised a son from infancy. Pretty hard to shock me as far as that goes. But to be honest, honey, it’s pretty rare to have that on a smaller toy.”


He smoothed his hand back down my leg and pushed my knees aside, opening me up to him again. He leaned closer to me, smoothing his other hand back into my hair and brushing his nose against mine.

“Thank you for trusting me with your body,” he said in a reverent whisper. “The way you surrender to me is so incredibly, intoxicatingly beautiful. The way you let me care for you when we’re done is so heartwarming to me.”

I smiled, my own heart warming in my chest. “You make it easy,” I said. “I feel so safe with you.”

His hand drifted between my legs, and his fingers broached the divide of my backside. I felt his fingertips grasp the handle of the toy inside me. “Just relax,” he said softly when I stiffened slightly. “You’re safe.”

I nodded, and he closed the distance between us, kissing me deeply.

I sighed into the kiss, and as I did, he gently removed the toy from me. The sensation was slick and overwhelming just for a moment before it ceased. I let out a little noise, and he parted from the kiss.

He was still close, brushing his nose against mine. “See, baby? Easy. Nothing to even worry over.”

I let out a shuddering sigh and nodded.

He dropped the toy in the bowl of warm water and kissed my forehead before standing up. He slipped into his robe before picking up the bowl and wooden toy box.

“Give me a few minutes to sterilize these, and then we can take a nice bath together, okay?” he said.

I nodded and rested back in the bed. I worked on stripping of my shirt and bra from where it still hitched over my breasts where Cole had hastily displaced it. Once properly undressed, I grabbed the robe he’d left out for me and slipped my arms through the sleeves, draping it lazily over me, more for warmth than anything else.

I felt so content and at ease, listening to the rush of the water in the bathroom. I looked out the window to see that the sunny day was holding on. I loved when the weather was like this, sunny with that chilly bite in the air from winter. It was one of those rare moments of calm when I could just let my mind quiet down and just be. The only thing that could make it better was a fireplace and a cup full of hot cocoa.

I watched the pine trees gently sway in the wind outside, and before I knew it, my eyes grew heavy and fluttered shut. I immersed myself in my cozy exhaustion, distantly aware of the sounds of Cole shutting off the bathtub faucet and testing the temperature with a hand.

I opened my eyes as I heard his hushed steps across the carpet. He approached, his robe loosely tied, and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Sleepy?” he asked.

“Mmm, a little bit,” I said.

“How about you and I take a nap after we clean up and check on Noah?”

“That sounds heavenly.”

“We have an accord, then,” he said before scooping up into his arms and standing. I gave a little yelp, surprised by the quick shift in height. He laughed and kissed my cheek.