“Talk to me, baby. You okay?”

“Mmm,” I said lazily, lost in a dreamy haze of my own.

“Ha, look at you, adorably blissed out and dreamy,” he said admiringly as he brushed his hand across my cheek. “God, Marley. I love you so much. Are you sure you’re alright? That was really intense.”

“I love when you fuck me half-wild,” I said. “And I love when I can feel you deep in my throat like that. I love the warm feeling of your cum in my belly.”

“You need to watch that mouth of yours, or I’m going to have to fuck it again,” he teased.

“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” I slurred.

He laughed and leaned down, giving me a chaste and sweet kiss despite what he’d just spent the last stretch of time doing to me.

As he deepened the kiss, he gently reached up to my breasts to carefully unscrew the clamps, taking them off and setting them off to the side before gently pressing his palms against the sensitive peaks of my breasts. He gave them a little massage, breaking the kiss. “These feel okay?”

“Sore,” I said, wincing a little. “Those little things were fun, though.”

“Yeah?’ he asked. “Worth trying again?”

I felt a little timid about it, but I nodded. He cradled my head in his hands and helped me get back on the bed.

“Lie flat for a few moments before you sit up,” he said. “You were upside down for quite a bit. I don’t want you to get dizzy.”

“Where are you going?” I asked, positioning my head at a lazy angle so I could look at him.

“Not far, baby,” he said. “Just grabbing some stuff to get us cleaned up until we can take a shower.”

“Mm,” I said. “Okay.”

He walked over to our bathroom, disappearing inside for a while. I closed my eyes and let them rest while I nestled into the content feeling of being loved and cared for after a bit of rough sex. It was strange, but the time after sex, when Cole made sure I was cleaned up, happy, and safe, had become one of my favorite times with my husband.

He returned with a bowl of water and a washcloth, our robes and some clean towels draped over his arm. I snorted a little laugh. “Are you going to give me a sponge bath?”

“I am going to clean up the mess I made, thank you very much,” he said primly. “Besides, the water is for the toy, too.”

“Right,” I said, feeling a little embarrassed about it. “Gotta keep it clean, I guess.”

“Are you feeling embarrassed?” he teased.

“I mean…it is in my butt,” I said wryly.

“Marley, you have nothing to be embarrassed about,” he said, dunking the washcloth into the water and wringing it out. “You let me do wonderfully terrible things to you, and I have no problem taking care of the clean-up afterward.”

“I guess,” I said.

He handed me the warm, damp cloth, and I saw to cleaning up the parts of me that were wet and sticky.

“Do you want me to take it out for you?” he asked.

“Ah…” I said, feeling flushed. “I don’t know?”

“Marley, why are you so embarrassed?” Cole asked, sitting on the edge of the bed with me.

“I—I don’t know,” I repeated, stammering this time. “I’ve never really done much of this kind of thing. I wasn’t really expecting to do it today, either. Have you done a lot of it?”

“A bit,” he said with a nod. “Remember, I used to be involved in the kink scene for a bit. I did a lot more intense things than this.”

“Right. So, I guess, what did you do with them?” I asked.