“I don’t want to do that,” I whimpered. “Cole, they take your intestines out when they do that.”
“I know,” he said, kissing my brow again. “But they do it all the time, and they wouldn’t offer it to you if they thought they would hurt you doing it, baby. These doctors would never hurt you or the babies.”
I nodded, exhaling slowly. “They would never hurt me or the babies,” I repeated, trying to internalize the message.
“Mmm,” he said. “What else is scary?”
“I’m worried the babies are coming too fast,” I admitted. “I’m worried I’m going to have to do it without any painkillers.”
“Well, if that happens, I’m going to help you through it. And we already have it in the plan for Syl to come help midwife if you need that, remember?”
“Oh, I did forget that,” I said.
“That’s alright,” he said. “That’s what I’m here for, to remind you about it.”
“Oh,” I groaned. “One is starting.”
Cole took my hand in his and started guiding me in the breathing exercises they taught us in the birthing classes. I squeezed his hand as I pushed through the contraction, my thighs, back, and lower stomach aching as he helped me through it.
As it passed, he peppered my face with kisses. “That was beautiful, baby. I love seeing how strong and capable you are. You’re doing an amazing job. You’re so brave.”
I smiled, heart fluttering even as I could feel another contraction looming a few moments away. “I love you,” I said.
“I love you,” he told me. “Can I get you anything to make you more comfortable, sweetheart? Ice chips? Anything like that?”
“No, just stay with me, okay? I need you more than I need anything else.”
“Of course,” he said. “Let’s meet our kids, yeah?”
I smiled and brought my forehead to his. “Yeah, let’s meet our kids.”
The doctor arrived about an hour later, and by then, I was already almost fully dilated. I was exhausted and delirious, waiting for the anesthesiologist to come and give me my damned epidural so I didn’t have to experience my body being ripped in half.
I didn’t remember much about the moment the doctor arrived, but I did remember that I told him I would strangle him if he so much as said the word “push” before I had an epidural. Luckily, Cole’s mother and Sylvia had also arrived and did a lot of advocating for me. We got the epidural in place just in time. Before long, it was time to push.
Having the pain taken away from the experience was something I greatly appreciated, because it allowed me to be there and present for every moment as I pushed, holding Cole’s hand the whole time, Sylvia and Valentina saying quiet, supportive things.
I was so tired when the first of our children cleared the birth canal. Cole looked over at the baby and smiled, his eyes filling with tears. “It’s a little girl, Marley,” he told me. “We have a baby girl.”
I cried, too, but for a completely different reason.
“Cole, I’m so tired. I don’t want to push anymore, I’m so tired. Can’t we just stop?” I begged.
“Baby, I know you’re exhausted, but you’re almost done,” he cooed, smoothing a hand over my hair. “Just a little bit more.”
“Baby two is already crowning, Marley!” the doctor said. “Three good pushes, and you’re done!”
“Hear that, sweetheart? Three good pushes, and all done,” Cole said.
“But I’m so tired,” I whimpered again.
“I know, baby. Just look at me.”
I let my head loll to the side and looked up at him. He cupped my face with his hand and mirrored my breathing until I slowed mine down with his.
“Okay, just look at me, I’m giving you my strength right now. I’m right here with you. You ready? You got my power I sent to you?” he asked me.
I let out a tight, sobbing breath as I nodded. “Yeah,” I said, not even sure if I was being honest, but needing to buy into the questionable logic. “Okay.”