“You’re fucking insane,” Lana said as she fussed with the screen for a few seconds before finally figuring out how call to Ginger.

“Paulette, what the fuck is going on? I just heard your license plate over the radio,” Ginger snapped.

“You know my license plate?” Paulette asked.

“Focus, Paulette, priorities! We talked about this,” Ginger said.

“Right, right, so…Marley’s water broke, so we rushed out of the store, and the people at the store were being kinda shitty, so—”

“Paulette, you stole a fifty-thousand-dollar dress,” Ginger said impatiently. “Of course, they were shitty—”

“Fifty thousand dollars! Bitch, I could make one like—”

“Priorities, Paulette!” Ginger shouted.

“Okay, okay! You don’t have to yell.”

I came out of the contraction and groaned. “We need to call Cole,” I grunted.

“Which hospital are you going to?” Ginger asked. “I’ll tell all units to give you an escort so you can get there quickly, but cool it on the reckless driving. I’ll call Cole, too.”

“NMB General,” I grunted to the screen, feeling my pelvis tighten again. “Oh, god, not again,” I whimpered.

“Are you sure we have a couple hours, Marley? These contractions are really close together,” Rosie said nervously.

“Fuck if I know Rosie,” I grunted. “I’m not a doctor.”

As the contraction took hold of me, I only heard faintly what was going on over the phone. My mind blanked out with the pain and the feeling that my body was quite literally changing shape as the babies in my womb made their way toward the world.

When the contraction passed, I faintly heard the end of Ginger’s final words before she hung up.

“Okay, they’ve got eyes on you. Just let them get in front of and behind you, don’t try to avoid them. Try to drive a little safer. If you have to pull over and deliver, you don’t want to run into someone on the way there.”

“What?” I snapped. “I’m delivering in a fucking car?”

“Okay, bye!” Paulette yelled, hanging up the phone swiftly.

“You’re okay, Mar,” Lana reassured. “I’m on the phone with Sylvia right now—she said it’s common to have really close contractions even while you have a lot more time to go. She said it’s to accommodate the larger size of shifter babies.”

“Lana, I love you. But I don’t want to think about the size of the two babies I’m about to push out of my very small, very adorable vagina,” I slurred.

“Aw, does Cole say your vagina is adorable? That’s so sweet!” Paulette cooed.

“Priorities!” Lana and Rosie yelled.

“Okay! Jesus, stop treating me like a criminal!”

“I mean, you technically are one,” Lana pointed out. “But we can discuss Grand Theft Wedding Dress later.”

I couldn’t help but feel relieved as the squad cars came to flank us, sirens blaring as other vehicles moved over to accommodate us getting through. We needed to get to the hospital, because regardless of what Sylvia had said, I could tell these babies were ready to come out, and I needed to have the support of my husband and medical team to get me through it.

In the end, we got to the hospital only about three minutes later, thanks to the help of the police smoothing our way past stoplights and traffic.

Ginger was already there, waiting for me with a wheelchair. When we came to a halt in front of the labor and delivery doors, she wheeled it over to me and didn’t even blink as she scooped me into her arms and set me down in the chair.

“You’re alright, Marley,” Ginger said. “Remember your breathing. Have you been doing your breathing?”

“N-no,” I whimpered, tears forming in my eyes as she wheeled me through the automatic doors. “Is Cole here yet?”