“Well, happy to be your interruption any time,” she said soothingly. “I’ll see you when I get home.”

“See you soon,” I said.

I hung up the phone and sat there for a few more minutes before getting to my feet. I wandered out of the exam room, looking around until I found the doctor talking to Cassie at the nurse’s station. He gave me an easy smile as he held his hand out for the phone.

“Feeling better?” he asked me.

I nodded, handing it over to him. “Yeah. Thank you. And, uh, sorry about the language.”

“No worries,” he said. “Why don’t we talk in my office instead of the exam room? It’s a little less clinical in there, and I think it will be easier for you not to feel like you’re about to get bad news.”

“That sounds good,” I said.

I followed him into his office. It looked like what you’d expect from the office of a doctor. A large mahogany desk took up sixty percent of the room with a comfortable leather office chair. There was a Newton’s cradle on the edge of the desk, a picture of his sister and nephew behind him in a silver frame, row after row of medical textbooks, and his doctorate hanging on the wall in a custom-made frame.

He took a mint from a crystal bowl and unwrapped it, popping it in his mouth before holding the bowl out to me. I shook my head, and he shrugged before settling into his chair more comfortably.

“So,” he said. “What I was going to say was that I have a theory for how we can reverse the effects of the injections, and I have managed to get an emergency approval to try it. But those who are interested in tackling it would need to sign a waiver and accept a certain amount of risk.”

“I can’t accept the risk for them, but I can pass on the information,” I said.

He nodded as if to say it was an acceptable answer. “Essentially, we’d be doing a modified version of lycan gene therapy. Some of the medications will have to be altered, and it will have to be done with very careful supervision. But I don’t see why it couldn’t work. Essentially, your pack members will be going through a similar process as Travis did in his transition. Give or take a few steps.”

“How much will this cost?” I asked. “I want to try to cover it with the pack budget if I can. A lot of the members affected don’t have much money or even any health insurance.”

“We’ll work out an estimate and get it sent to you, but we’ll also be getting some funding from the state for the research we’re doing. So, it shouldn’t be too costly.”

I nodded and heaved a sigh. “I guess I better get in touch with Gramps. Anything else I need to know, doc?”

“I’ll call you if anything comes up, but barring the last blood sample we just took, this should be our final follow-up.”

“Well, that’s the best news I’ve heard all day,” I said, reaching over to shake his hand.

He smiled and gave my hand a firm shake. “Call if you need anything, alright?” he said. “You know where to find me.”

I nodded and got back up to my feet, exiting the office and heading out to the waiting room. As I took care of my co-pay and said goodbye to Cassie and the rest of the office staff, my phone rang.

I checked the screen and excused myself, exiting the waiting room as I answered the phone. “Travis,” I said.

“I don’t know how you put up with these fuckers, Cole,” Travis griped. “I’m at my wit’s end, trying to get them to fucking behave, and it’s taking just about all of my effort to keep from tearing their eyes out of their skulls.”

“What’s going on?” I asked, opting to skip the wait for the elevator and taking the stairs instead. “Can you hold it down for another hour? I’m leaving the doc’s office right now.”

“I’m doing my best, but one of the newbies keeps trying to pick fights with some of the people who have been here from the start. I keep telling him to stop acting out, and he keeps telling me he doesn’t have to listen to a half-breed, so…yeah.”

“Alright. Get Farrah to help you separate them, and I’ll handle it when I get back,” I said.

“Not fucking Farrah again,” Travis groaned. “How am I ever going to show these dickheads that I’m your second if I keep running to mommy for help?”

“Travis, I’m doing my best to help you out here. I don’t know what else to tell you. It’s either get help from a full-blooded shifter until I get there, or get in a fight. I don’t care which one you do, but commit to it.”

“Fine,” he snapped before hanging up the phone.

I rolled my eyes as I jogged across the parking lot and got into my car. Turning my key in the ignition, I threw the gear into drive before zooming out onto the highway.

Chapter 2
