Sofia let out a string of incoherent babbling, getting everyone's attention.

“I think Sofia is telling us something,” Evan said with a chuckle. “You ready for your birthday cake?”

I took Sofia from him and settled her in her highchair while everyone gathered around. It was practically a throne with the way Abi had gone all out decorating. She'd even bought a little pink crown with the number one on it.

“Sometimes it feels like just yesterday she was so tiny,” I said, watching Sofia pull the crown down over her eyes, then back up again, playing peekaboo. Her eyes sparkled with mischief and delight.

The normalcy of this moment was a stark contrast to the chaos our lives had become. It was surreal to be standing here, celebrating life, when so much danger lurked in the shadows. But today was about Sofia, and about us as a family.

“Okay, time for the cake!” Abi announced as she carried a small one toward us, its frosting a soft pink with delicate gold flecks sprinkled on top. “The smash cake masterpiece!”

“Abi, it looks amazing,” I said, genuinely impressed by the confectionery creation she'd crafted with such care. She'd insisted it was tradition for a one-year-old to get their very own cake to dig into, and likely make a huge mess. Who was I to argue?

“Thanks, but let's see if the birthday girl approves.” She placed the little cake on Sofia's highchair tray, and Sofia leaned forward immediately, eyeing the cake with curiosity.

“Let's sing ‘Happy Birthday’ before she digs in,” I said, grabbing a match and lighting the single candle on the cake, staying close by in case Sofia reached for the flame.

We all sang together while Sofia clapped and giggled at all the attention being showered on her. When we finished signing, everyone was fixed on Sofia, waiting to see what she’d do next.

“Go on, sweetie. It's all yours,” I encouraged her, brushing a lock of auburn hair away from her face.

She tentatively poked at the icing with her chubby fingers, popping one in her mouth. Her eyes went wide, and then with a gleeful squeal, she dug right in with both hands, shoving fistfuls of cake into her mouth until icing was smeared all over her face.

“Looks like she got her daddy's table manners,” Jax quipped from the sidelines, earning a round of chuckles.

“Or maybe she's just embracing her inner artist,” Cynthia said, with her camera clicking away as she captured every adorable, messy detail.

“Either way, she's perfect,” Evan whispered, his voice thick with pride.

“Absolutely perfect,” I echoed, my heart full to bursting. No matter what the future held, no matter how fierce the storm Tomas might bring, this right here was our safe harbor—the love of our family, unbreakable and true. These moments were what we were fighting for.

We lay in bed hours later, finally finished packing, and ready to leave for New York first thing the next morning. Evan seemed exhausted, and I knew just how nervous he’d been about how the clan would react, even if he’d never said the words aloud. He didn’t have to.

But now as we lay in each other’s arms, with our breaths growing slower as sleep claimed us, I felt his arms tighten slightly, and felt his breath pause. I thought he was going to say something, but after a moment, he never did.

I turned to look at him. “What is it?”

Evan shook his head and murmured, “Nothing that can’t wait. We need to rest for our long day ahead.”

He was right, but I wondered what was bothering him. Was he nervous about what was ahead of us? Was he afraid of what might happen when we left the safety of the clan lands? My own fears rose to the surface, but I tried to ignore them, settling in closer to Evan and remembering why we were doing this. It would all be worth it in the end.

The next morning, we were up before the sun. Jax looked slightly more well-rested than before, though he still didn’t look fully recovered, either. Once this was all over, I wanted to send him on a month-long vacation of rest and relaxation. Hell, I wanted my own vacation.

Abi and Lucas were waiting in the living room to send us off, and hugs were spread all around. It didn’t escape my notice that when Evan and Lucas embraced, a smile of contentment flashed across Abi’s lips. Her sons. Tears nearly flowed from the way she looked at them, her love undeniable. Was that how I would feel about my girls? How I’d look at them? Instinctively, I knew Sofia and the baby growing in my womb would be the source of even more love and joy than I’d already experienced.

Sofia was still sleeping and cradled in Jax’s arms as we made our way out to Evan’s black SUV. It was larger and more practical than his sleek sedan, which hadn’t been driven much since we’d been in Texas. It didn’t take long to get settled in, and then we were off, waving to Abi and Lucas.

We weren’t even to the edge of the clan lands before Sofia and Jax were both snoring in the back seat. As we neared the gate that marked the border, Evan slowed the vehicle and rolled down the window.

“Kyle,” he said, smiling at the older man I hadn’t met yet. He stuck his hand out the window. “Everything going okay?”

“Evan.” He nodded to me. “And you must be Mariah. It’s a pleasure to officially meet the alpha’s mate.” He dipped his head in respect.

I smiled at his formality. “Nice to meet you as well. Evan speaks highly of you.”

Kyle returned my smile. “Glad to hear it. Evan, before you leave, I just wanted to update you on the ongoing security measures. We've doubled the patrols around the borders and increased surveillance on all possible entry points. No one will enter or leave without our knowledge.”

“Excellent.” Evan nodded his approval. “I appreciate how quickly you’ve taken care of this.”