Evan nodded somberly. “My father was aware Tomas Hawthorne was concocting serums in order to change humans to shifters. We’d made it our mission to stop him. He showed true bravery and selflessness in his attempt to rescue my mate. By the time we got to her, it was too late.”

I wrapped my arm around Evan’s waist in a gesture of support. While he wasn’t defending his actions, I knew he desperately wanted approval from his clan, and validation that they’d support him as he traversed the rocky ground of assuming leadership.

“Are we in danger? Should we be worried?” The voices of the crowd rose once more as unease swept through them.

“I’ve been working with a close friend and partner of Sebastian’s to increase security measures. I have every confidence that the clan lands will remain safe. I swear to you, as your alpha and clan leader, on the honor of Sebastian Carey and the entire Carey Clan, that I will protect you all at any cost.”

The murmurs and whispers continued, and I could feel the weight of their eyes on me.

“Quiet, please!” Evan’s voice rang out, the dominance and command in it stronger than before, as if he were drawing on some alpha power to demand their attention. They immediately silenced. “I know there are questions about Mariah's change, maybe even a little fear. But I want to make this clear: she is one of us. While she wasn’t born a dragon, she is one now. A full dragon shifter with a heart full of courage and love for her family. A true member of this clan.” He looked over the crowd, and there was no mistaking his authority when he spoke. “She will be treated with respect.”

My cheeks flushed at his words, but I couldn't deny the warmth that spread through me at his declaration.

“One final thing, and then you are free to go, or remain with your clan mates.” All eyes were focused on Evan as he turned to me, taking both my hands in his. His voice rang with tangible pride. “Amidst all the trials we are facing, fate has given us a blessing, and news that should bring us all great joy. Mariah and I are expecting a child.”

Calls of surprise and excitement echoed throughout the crowd. Relief washed over me when no one cried out in protest. In fact, his announcement helped the tension dissipate. Joy and anticipation filled the air instead.

“Congratulations to the alpha and his mate!”

I didn’t see who called out, the voice warm and genuine, but others swiftly followed suit, their smiles and shouts of congratulations a welcome balm for my frayed nerves. I wasn’t sure how any of this would go, but we’d fared well.

“Thank you,” Evan said, his hand still entwined with mine. I beamed up at him and returned the smiles of those gathered around us. “We will face the challenges ahead together as a clan, united and strong.”

After giving a few more directives surrounding the secrecy of everything they’d been told tonight, emphasizing that the best way to put a stop to the serum was to keep the information quiet, Evan called an end to the meeting. Pride shone in the alpha’s eyes as he looked out at our family in the crowd, then back to me. I returned his smile. Despite my own fears, I knew without a doubt that we’d find a way to defeat Tomas and any other obstacles in our path.

The family room was awash with whimsy, draped in pink and gold. Streamers hung from wall to wall, and balloons bobbed on the ceiling as if longing to break free and soar. I smiled at the sight, the pure joy of it all radiating outward.

After the tension leading up to the clan meeting, celebrating Sofia's first birthday was a much welcome respite from the real world. Tomorrow would bring its own challenges when we left the clan lands, but for now I simply wanted to enjoy the moment.

“Can you believe she's one already?” Abi's voice rose over the hum of conversation. She glanced at Sofia, her smile brimming with affection.

“It's crazy how fast time flies,” I said, watching Evan bounce our little girl on his knee, her giggles mingling with the soft chatter of our closest family. Jax and Lucas were deep in discussion by the window, their heads tilted together conspiratorially. Cynthia laughed at something Evan said, and I just took it all in with a smile on my face.

“Hey, look at this.” Evan beckoned me closer with a crooked finger, his dark eyes twinkling with mischief.

I sidled up next to him, resting a hand on my belly. “What am I looking at?”

“Her eyes,” he whispered, nodding toward Sofia. “She's got that same fire in them as you do when you're about to tell me off.”

I smacked him lightly on the shoulder when he laughed. "Maybe you deserve it."

But I was happy to laugh. Happy to have a moment of such lightness when everything had been so heavy. “Guess she is my girl, after all.”

“Ours,” Evan said with a smile so warm and tender that my heart swelled even fuller with love for my family.

“Ours,” I echoed, leaning into him. His arm wrapped around me, and the past year flashed before my eyes: our struggles and victories, the fears we'd faced, and the love that’d only grown stronger.

“Remember the first day you met her?” he asked.

“Pretty sure I'll never forget the horror of my potential employer checking me out like I was on the menu.”

Evan's laughter rumbled in his chest. “Aren't you glad the only thing I could think about was getting you naked?”

I elbowed him playfully. “And now look at us. We're doing it all over again.”

“Yep.” He stood, his lips brushing my temple, his hand coming to rest over mine on my stomach. “But this time, we're going in eyes wide open.”

I wasn't so sure about that, but as I gazed up at him, I knew I wouldn't want it any other way. He was my rock, the steady flame that guided me through my darkest nights. Life had taken turns I never could have predicted, but this was my home. My family. And they meant the world to me.