“I think she does, even if she doesn’t quite think so, but you need to show her, not just tell her.”

I nodded. She was right. I needed to prove to Mariah that I was fully committed to our future—a future that now included another child.

After Abi left the room, I leaned back in my chair, my mind racing. I thought of Mariah's face when she'd told me about the pregnancy, the mixture of hope and apprehension in her eyes. Then I thought of my own reaction, clouded by fear and doubt, tainted by the looming shadow of Tomas and the challenges ahead.

I rose from my chair. It was time to set things right, and time to show Mariah that regardless of the uncertainties and dangers, I was with her fully and completely. That started with facing my own fears and insecurities for her sake, and for the sake of our growing family.

I made my way downstairs to the second floor, then turned into the hallway leading to the room I shared with Mariah. The hallway seemed to stretch out before me, and when I finally reached the door to our room, I took a deep breath and lifted my hand before knocking softly.

I waited, my heart pounding when there was no answer. I knocked again, calling out her name.

“Mariah?” When she still didn’t answer, I reached down, turned the knob, and pushed the door open.

Only to find our room empty.

Chapter 2


The pressure in my chest, the roiling anger mixed with hurt, and the inability to catch a deep enough breath… it had all driven me from my room before long. My skin was too hot, my throat felt as if it were on fire, and my body increasingly behaved in ways I couldn’t predict.

I had to get outside so I could breathe. More than that, I desperately needed a distraction, not just from the sensations I couldn’t ignore, but from the unsettling knowledge that I wasn't truly alone. There was this presence inside me, both in my body and my mind. It wasn’t fully formed, but there was a sense of otherness there I couldn’t quite explain.

My dragon.

My awareness of it grew with each passing day even if it hadn't fully awakened. It was a constant reminder of what'd been done to me, and that I was no longer fully human. I’d been made into something else against my will—something I could barely let myself dwell on for fear I might drown in the onslaught of emotions.

So, I’d gathered up Sofia from her room, wrapped her in a blanket, and headed out into the brisk autumn afternoon.

“Is it really so shocking, Sofia?” I asked the baby girl, my voice wavering slightly as I tried to hold back tears. "I thought he'd be happier about it."

Sofia babbled at me, her hazel eyes wide and curious as her chubby little hands reached out toward the leaves of a passing bush. She was always so full of wonder and joy, and despite the heaviness of what I felt, I smiled at her.

We continued walking, but I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that I’d gone about it wrong. I should've told Evan about the pregnancy at a different time, or made the announcement more special somehow, but I’d barely had time to process it myself. I had all kinds of feelings I didn’t know how to sort through, so maybe I was being hard on him, though deep down I knew that was just an excuse. I’d expected more from Evan. He loved Sofia and me so fiercely, was loyal and protective to a fault… so why did his reaction to this fall short?

“Maybe he's just scared,” I said aloud. “Another baby with everything else—it's a big responsibility, and he's got so much on his plate already." I sighed, my hand coming to rest on my still-flat belly. It didn’t feel any different. “But so do I.”

My heart ached when I thought about everything we'd been through recently. I was still coming to terms with being made into a dragon shifter against my will—a traumatic experience in and of itself. Then there was the kidnapping, being held prisoner alongside Jax, and now this pregnancy out of nowhere. It was a lot for anyone to handle, let alone someone who was trying to balance being a mother, a mate, and a college student all at once.

"Sofia, am I expecting too much?” I asked, my voice shaking from feelings that threatened to overwhelm me. I glanced down at her, taking in her peaceful expression as she gnawed on a teething ring. “Do I just need to be patient and give him time to process it?”

Sofia gurgled happily, unconcerned with my worries, and I sighed, knowing I couldn’t stay out here forever. The sun would be setting soon, and I needed to get back to the house and face reality.

“All right, little one,” I said, steeling myself for what lay ahead. “Let's go home and figure this out.”

I wasn’t one to run from my problems, and I didn’t want to think about this baby as one. This was a dream come true for me, and something I’d wanted forever but thought I'd never have. The bone-deep desire to have a child of my own was something I’d carried for my entire adult life. But I’d set that hope aside, then let it go when I gave myself completely to Evan, becoming his mate. This was nothing short of miraculous.

Yet I couldn’t fully bask in the joy of it when my mate had hurt me so deeply. We should be celebrating this baby. Instead, he’d told me it was the last thing we needed.

As I approached the house, I came up short.

There he was, sitting on the steps of the back porch with his head in his hands. My heart skipped a beat when I caught sight of him, just like it always did. No matter how upset I was in the moment, my reaction to him was as strong as ever. But seeing him like that…

Evan was a fighter, proud, strong, and bold. Yet he looked so vulnerable in that moment, and my heart ached. Yes, I wanted desperately for him to be happy about the baby, but deep down, I understood just how much stress and pressure he was under. The weight of the clan, our family, and our future sat on his shoulders. This was yet another life to worry about and protect. I certainly didn’t want to add to his mounting stress, but his words had cut deep.

I pushed forward, and the soft sound of the stroller's wheels crunching over the gravel announced my return. Evan looked up, his dark eyes meeting mine.

“Mariah.” He stood, his broad shoulders casting shadows across the porch as he took a step toward me.