Jax grinned as he mock-shuddered. “Anything but that. I’ve gone head-to-head with my father, but I don’t know if I can handle that woman’s wrath.”

I laughed. Mariah had certainly been unpredictable lately. I didn’t blame Jax for wanting to keep her in the dark on just how hard he was pushing himself. “Still, take care of yourself. We need you at your best if we want to take Tomas down.”

“Agreed.” Jax swiped a hand over his jaw. “I’ll get some sleep soon, I swear. But I can feel it—I’m getting close to something.”

“That’s great news.” The knowledge that he might have some information for us soon was all I needed, and I went to my room, hoping to find Mariah there.

She was pacing back and forth when I opened the door, looking like she might explode at any minute. She whirled around the minute she saw me. “Where have you been?”

I slowly put my hands up when I saw the fire in her eyes. Her dragon was just as worked up as she was, and with good reason. I wanted to wrap her in my arms and make her forget everything that woman had said, but I approached carefully, gauging her mood.

“I just went to check in with Jax. He’s making good progress.” I took another step closer, watching her closely, knowing her dragon was close to the surface. I didn’t think she was close to shifting yet, but I couldn’t be sure. “I know what happened at the grocery store. Do you want to talk about it?”

“I’m sure the whole clan knows about it by now,” she snarled with her hands on her hips and eyes narrowing dangerously.

I took another step and reached for her. “I’m going to call a meeting with the clan. It’s time we told them everything.”

“Everything?” Panic came up in her face. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

I folded her into my arms, running my hands up and down her back as I tried to soothe the rage I could feel simmering inside her. She tensed at my touch, growling at me before she jerked away.

My eyebrows flew up. She might have always been a bit feisty, but Mariah had never been this hot-tempered. Her dragon nature was closer to the surface than I realized, and she had no idea how to deal with it.

“Mariah. Baby.” I held my hand out to her but respected her distance. “I understand why you’re upset about what happened, but trust me. This is the best course of action. No one is aware of what’s really going on. And not that I’m excusing what that woman said…” My own growl worked its way up my throat. “Not by a long shot, but you’re a mystery. Once we tell them, and once they understand you’re a shifter now, it will be easier.”

“I don’t know, Evan.” She shook her head. “You didn’t hear the things that woman said about me.” Her eyes changed from their usual warm brown into a fiery gold, so briefly I wasn’t entirely sure I’d seen it, but I knew what that flash indicated. Her dragon was gaining control.

“Listen,” I said, reaching for her hand. “It’s going to be okay. I can promise you that. I’ll take care of everything with the clan. But what matters most to me is you. I’m here to protect you, and right now that means you need to learn how to manage your dragon’s…fiery temperament.”

She bared her teeth. “How do you expect me to do that when I want to go find that woman and show her exactly what I am?”

I chuckled. Never a dull moment. “You let me help you.” I brushed a stray hair back from her face. “What do you say? It certainly won’t hurt.”

Mariah rubbed her hands over her face, then looked up at me, a new determination shining in her eyes. “Okay. Where do we start?”

“First, we'll focus on your emotions. When they run high, your dragon instincts can take over. We need to find a way for you to calm yourself before that happens, then it will be a lot easier to manage yourself.” I held her hands in mine, smiling as the warmth of our bond flowed between us. “Start by closing your eyes and taking deep breaths. When you’re feeling like your emotions are out of control, like now, focus on our connection. Feel the love between us. Use it as an anchor.”

She did as I instructed, her breathing steadying as she stared up at me, concentrating on our bond. I could tell the minute she latched onto it because the air between us seemed to pulse, electrified by our connection. A tiny smile curved her lips, her hands squeezing mine. Instantly, I felt some of the anger fade, and I knew she was starting to regain control.

“Good,” I praised, giving her an encouraging smile. “You're doing amazing already, Mariah. Remember that you’re strong and can handle anything. The next time you feel your temper taking over, remember this. Focus on our bond and let that calm you.”

She nodded. “I’ll try my best to remember. It isn’t always easy to think rationally, though,” she said with a wry grin.

“Sharing a body with a dragon can be challenging. You’ll develop your own connection with her over time, but for now, think of it as a give and take. Dragons like their freedom, yet they’re being controlled by the human, and being told when they can be set loose. With your dragon just waking up, that can be confusing for both of you, but you need to guide her like a child. Have you tried talking with your dragon?”

She bit her lip. “I don’t know that talking is what I’d call it.”

“What do you mean?”

She grimaced. “More like scolding it. I guess that isn’t the best way to build a connection.”

I chuckled. “It’s a start. Just keep trying. Talk to her. She may not respond in words, but you’ll begin to understand her emotions, and it’ll be a lot like hearing her thoughts.”

Her eyes widened. “I did hear her before. At least I think I did.” Her cheeks turned pink. “It was when I bit you. I felt her calling you her mate.”

My whole body came alive at that, as well as the reminder of what we’d done in the shower. “I have to admit I like hearing that.”

She laughed. “Figures.”