I nodded. “Earlier today. I asked about visiting hours.”

His eyebrows flew up. “You want to visit him?”

“I’m not sure,” I said. “But I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since I called. It was just an impulse, but now that I know…” I quickly filled him in on the prison’s location and the visiting policy.

“You don’t have to do this, Mariah,” he said gently, taking my hand in his and running his thumb over my palm.

“I know.” It wasn’t like I had a relationship with my mother and needed closure. She had abandoned me and was never a consistent presence in my life even beforehand. I hadn’t truly known the woman, and she was more of a stranger to me than anything else. “But I also have so many questions. And what if we’re able to find something that helps us fight back against Tomas? It’d be worth whatever discomfort I feel.”

He gave me a skeptical look like he wasn’t fully buying that. “Your wellbeing comes first. Always.”

I leaned over and kissed his cheek as Sofia crawled onto the blanket and into his lap. “And that means so much to me, but I can handle this.” I knew they were true when I said the words. It might be overwhelming, and I might end up with more heartache than real answers, but it was worth a try. “I think we need to do it.”

“If that’s what you want,” Evan said as he wrapped his arms around Sofia. “I’ll make it happen. Looks like we’re headed back to New York.”

My heart gave a little leap at that. We’d been here on the clan lands since I was rescued from Tomas’s clutches. I wasn’t exactly excited to leave the safety and security of what’d become my home, but I’d love to see Analise. The penthouse was currently being rented out, so we wouldn’t be back in the first home we’d shared together, yet we’d be back in the city I’d called home for so long.

“When do you want to go? We can do this as soon as you’d like. I can wrap up the monthly business with the clan over the next couple days, then Lucas can stand in for me while we’re gone.”

Now that I’d decided, the dread set in again. Ironically, I suddenly wasn’t in any hurry to have my questions answered and learn things about my mother I might not want to know.

“Let’s wait until after Sofia’s birthday. I was thinking…” I bit my lip.

Evan tilted his head. “What is it?”

“Well, I know there’s a lot going on, especially considering this development, but I don’t want to get so wrapped up that we forget the little things. Sofia’s birthday is next week. I’d love to have a party for her.” In the midst of all of this, I needed some sense of normalcy.

Evan smiled, wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my forehead. “I think that sounds absolutely perfect. You’re perfect for thinking of it in the first place.” Then a shadow passed over his face.

“Nope.” I shook my head. “Don’t start feeling bad. You’ve had a ton on your mind, too. Honestly, it says something about all of our mental states that even Abi hasn’t thought of it.”

His arms tightened and he chuckled. “In case I don’t say it enough, you’re incredible.” He brushed a kiss over my lips. “How did I get so lucky to have you for my mate?”

As he said the word, it echoed in my mind, reverberating in my chest, and yet again I felt that stirring that still hadn’t fully simmered down. Only this time, it was different than before. Stronger. More insistent and demanding.

Mate. The word rumbled in my mind, and instinctively, I knew it wasn’t my thought, but my dragon’s. I pressed my hand to my chest, sucking my breath in sharply as I felt the stirring turn into actual movement.

“Evan…” My voice was barely a whisper when my wide eyes flew to his.

He gripped my shoulder, his gaze burning into mine, and that caused my dragon to perk up even more. It was like I could literally feel it moving around inside my chest. I’d felt its presence plenty of times up until now, but never like this. It’d always been more of an impression, a sensation or emotion, never an actual physical feeling.

A slow grin spread across Evan’s face as realization shined in his dark pupils. Then they suddenly flashed bright burning gold when he moved his hand from my shoulder to my chest.

“It’s your dragon. She’s finally awake.”

Chapter 9


There was no denying it: Mariah's dragon had fully awakened. While I’d been able to sense its presence from the moment she woke up from Tomas’s serum, it’d never been anything like this. I was used to being aware of others’ dragons and feeling those connecting bonds, both family and to the clan at large. I was even used to the increased possessiveness since my dragon had recognized her as his mate immediately upon waking. But this was on an entirely different level: searing, all-consuming, unbreakable.

Then there was the baby. I could sense its presence radiating and pulsing in a way I hadn’t before, as if Mariah’s dragon had been sheltering the new life.

Her tongue darted out, and she nodded, her eyes still wide as she held her hand to her chest.

I cupped her cheeks and gave her a reassuring smile. “This is a good thing.”

She looked like she wasn’t so sure but nodded again, trembling slightly. “I can feel it. It’s moving.”