“Mama.” Sofia crawled toward me, moving twice as fast now that she’d mastered the skill. Pulling herself up and cruising around furniture was her current work in progress, and I was sure walking on her own was just around the corner, too.

I scooped her up and planted a kiss on her squishy cheeks. “Hey, sweet girl. Have you been having fun?”

She squealed and clapped, and I inhaled her baby scent. Something stirred in my chest, but I tried to ignore it as Abi got to her feet.

“She loves her new activity center.”

"Every time I come in here, there’s something new.”

Abi just grinned. “Are you on your lunch break?”

“I don’t have any other live classes today. It’s independent study, so I might just hang with this cutie the rest of the day. I’m sure you have plenty of other things to do.” I gently pulled one of Sofia’s curls, watching as it sprang back into place.

“You know it’s never a chore for me to spend time with my granddaughter.”

I did know, and after the moment we’d shared out by the tree, I was sure it helped to ease the pain and loneliness she was going through after losing Sebastian. I held Sofia just a little tighter as I was reminded, yet again, how precious life was, and how we had to make the most of each moment.

“But I am a bit behind on the canning.” Abi patted my shoulder. “You two have fun together.”

Abi was all about cooking for the family, and she had a little kitchen garden she’d kept up with over the summer. I hadn’t realized she canned her own ingredients as well.

“We will.” I sat down with Sofia once Abi left us alone, setting her on her feet and holding my palms out for her as she tried to balance herself. “What should we do today? Mama has her afternoon free just for you.”

Sofia squealed and laughed, lifting and stomping a foot as she tried to moved closer to me. She wavered and lost her balance, toppling forward, and I caught her around the waist, bringing her close to my chest. “Whoopsie!”

She giggled again when I stood her back up, and my heart was so full of love. It swelled, the pressure on my chest expanding, but then it shifted abruptly. The glow of love I felt was overpowered by the sharp, biting sting of jealousy, as if Sofia were a threat.

Heat flooded my body, my skin feeling as if I’d been burned, as that presence in my chest seemed to come to life, taking over my emotions without giving my rational brain any option.

Sofia stared at me, frowning before her lower lip jutted out and quivered.

No! My voice was a harshly ringing command in my mind. Back down now.

I was speaking to my dragon directly—something I hadn’t done before, but I wasn’t sure what else to do when if felt it rising inside of me of its own accord. The burning jealousy… what the hell was that about?

Sofia began to cry as if she could sense the turmoil inside of me. I shoved the dragon down as best as I could, even though I wasn’t sure what I was doing. All I knew was that I refused to allow this…thing inside of me to control my emotions, especially when it came to Sofia.

It was irrational, crazy, but I didn’t know what else to do.

Sofia is my family—my child—and she is never to be harmed.

The dragon got the message, settling down in my chest, though the stirring was still there. I could sense its continued presence and awareness as I stared at Sofia.

I slowly exhaled. I had no doubt Sofia was safe with me. I would never cause her harm, but this beast inside me was another matter. I had no idea what it was capable of, and with that wild, unbridled jealously bursting forth so unexpectedly, I was left rattled by the entire thing. Was it possible that my dragon could cause harm against my will? I didn’t even want to think about not being fully in control, but at the same time, I didn’t feel like I was.

“Let’s go get some lunch. What do you say?” I got to my feet and tried to soothe Sofia’s soft cries. She stopped nearly immediately, and I wondered if she could sense my dragon. She had her own somewhere inside her, even if it was dormant throughout childhood. How aware was she about what just happened?

I whispered sweetly into her ear as we went to the kitchen, but I was troubled for the rest of the afternoon. Later, Evan came into the backyard, where I sat on a blanket while Sofia explored the leaves collecting on the grass. His gaze narrowed on me immediately and he quickly crossed the yard with his long strides.

“What is it?”

It still amazed me how he could sense my emotions like he did, and how I could sense his, too, but I had a feeling he might be more in tune with mine. Perhaps it had to do with my dragon not being fully awake yet.

Still, as he came closer, I could sense more of his concern than usual. I hesitated, unsure if I wanted to tell him about my outrageous bout of jealousy earlier, but what I’d discovered this morning was still spinning around in my mind, and that was far more urgent.

“I called the prison where Leonardo Steel is being held,” I told him, plucking at a loose thread on the blanket.

“What?” Evan sat beside me. “When?”