Page 1 of Voodoo Burning


New Orleans is a cesspool of humanity.

One would think they’d have learned their lesson by now. Apparently not, or this wouldn’t be happening. Funny thing human nature, how people fight against their decency and give free rein to their greed. It’s that very thing that has gotten them into trouble since the dawn of time. And the selfish bastards still haven’t learned. Then they cry to their God for forgiveness only to do it all over again.

The queen is Mardi Gras, the annual celebration of decadence and debauchery. Carte blanche to do whatever they want with no consequence to their souls.

Ironic, isn’t it, that it comes just before one of the most Christian holy days of the year. Sin like the devil on Tuesday, and on Wednesday promise to give it all up for six weeks.

It’s bullshit.

An old city, New Orleans is a place so rich in magic it has its own brand, New Orleans Magic, also known as Louisiana Magic, New Orleans Voodoo, or Louisiana Voodoo. Imagine that. It is the crown atop an entire culture that has been alive and growing since the 1700’s, not even modernization could stop it.

Ever wonder what makes it so powerful? Here’s some advice: You don’t want to know.

When this little corner of the world, tucked away at the bottom of the country, was first settled, it was like a stepchild who was allowed to run free as long as it observed the house rules and contributed to the betterment of the whole. Which it did, splendidly. Fast forward three hundred years, it continues to, pumping money into the family pockets – the economy - especially at Mardi Gras. Thousands of tourists flock here to get their freak on. While they’re here, they stop in at the local voodoo shops and pick up a potion, or visit a fortune teller to find out what the future holds, or they buy some trinket, charm or amulet, to take home as a souvenir. Humans are so stupid. Just because they can’t see something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. You want magic? You came to the right place; however, most people don’t believe in it. Wrong. There’s a give-and-take in everything. If you want it, you have to pay for it. The problem is the price isn’t given at the time of purchase, and you’re never prepared to pay when the devil comes to get his due.

No one is ever ready.