By the time the food arrived, Riley was out of the shower and changed into her pajamas. Harlow was beginning to notice that most of Riley’s suitcase space consisted of various animated themed matching pajamas, which she found beyond endearing. Especially since it meant Riley never judged her Snoopy pajamas.

“Ahh, McDonald’s.” Riley plopped down on the bed as their food bounced. Harlow was thankful it was still in the bag and she was holding Riley’s Diet Coke. Handing her the drink, she watched Riley’s eyes widen with excitement. “Oh, I love you.”

“You talking to me or the Diet Coke?”

Their words hung between them as the air seemed to be sucked out of the room. It was too soon for any I love yous to be said, Harlow was sure of that, so of course Riley had to mean the Diet Coke.


Harlow internally groaned at the way she always seemed to make things awkward. Of course that’s what Riley meant. She loved Diet Coke, not Harlow. That was what she meant.

“Anyway,” Harlow dryly laughed as she sat beside Riley on the bed. She passed out the food as Riley poured the fries onto the empty paper bag between them. As Riley opened the various dipping sauces, Harlow couldn’t help but feel as if they were an old married couple who had a routine every time they ordered McDonald’s.

They ate their food in relative silence until Riley apparently couldn’t stand it anymore. She found a rerun of Dateline on the TV and they watched the rest of the episode together. When they were done eating, Riley shifted over to her bed as Harlow suddenly missed the feel of her being so close. Even if they weren’t physically touching, Harlow had grown to simply love Riley’s close proximity.

As the sun started to set outside, Riley flipped through the channels to find something else for them to watch. She landed on The Conjuring, which was just starting.

“Is this okay with you?”

“Not if you’re going to make me sleep by myself tonight.”

Harlow had no idea where her flirtatious comment came from. She almost looked around the room to see if someone else had said it instead of her. And it was clear that Riley thought the same thing. Her adorable smirk grew as she slowly sat up on the edge of the bed. Slowly, she took a couple of steps toward Harlow’s bed.

“I would never make you sleep alone.”

There was something in Riley’s eyes and voice that hadn’t been there before. Desire, maybe? Harlow wasn’t sure. All she knew was that she wanted Riley to be in bed with her so they could cuddle and watch a scary movie together.



“Is it okay if I get into bed with you?”

Harlow nodded, scooting over under the sheet to make room for Riley. As Riley got into bed beside her, Harlow waited until she was situated before snuggling up beside her. It was the closest the two had been without kissing, and Harlow savored the way her body fit next to Riley’s. She wrapped her arms around Riley’s waist as she rested her head on her chest.

“Now, this is how you watch a scary movie.”

“I’d have to concur,” Riley chuckled.

As the movie played on the screen, Riley played with Harlow’s hair. While she usually didn’t like to be touched, she was slowly starting to love it when Riley did it. She had the softest touch as she ran her fingers through her hair, then down her back as far as she could reach before starting the process all over again. The methodical movements made Harlow sleepier by the minute.

Riley turned off the TV and the lights before sliding under the sheets. Harlow readjusted her position slightly, keeping an arm draped over Riley’s stomach as she placed her head on her shoulder. She felt a soft kiss on the top of her head.

“This is nice,” Riley yawned.

“I love it,” Harlow agreed, also with a yawn. “And I love you,” she whispered as she fell asleep.

Chapter 14


It had only been a month since Riley had last cuddled in bed with Harlow, but she missed it more every day. Harlow had been so sweet and cuddly their last night together in California that Riley didn’t dare comment on it. Instead, she savored the way their bodies fit together and how Harlow’s arm felt around her waist. And the way Harlow remembered her order at every place they went to.

But most of all Riley hadn’t stopped thinking about how Harlow had sleepily told her she loved her.

Harlow fell asleep right after she said it, but Riley repeated them to her. She knew Harlow didn’t hear them—her light snoring confirmed that. But Riley had to say it then nonetheless because she meant them with every fiber of her being.

She loved Harlow Hawkins.