“Hey, we wanted to see how things were going after the article.” Skylar sat at the table across from them, as Elena stood beside them. “We’ve been too afraid to look.”

“It’s actually been mostly positive.” Riley pulled up some articles on her laptop and showed them. “A lot of news outlets are covering it. A lot of fan accounts have gone wild over it.”

“Is that good?” Elena asked.

“It is. There’s been a few negative assholes who can’t be happy about anything if their lives depended on it, but overall the reception has been great. I think the show tonight is going to be great. Skylena is even trending right now on Twitter.”

“Aww,” Skylar dramatically clutches her chest, “I just love we have a ship name.”

“You’re such a dork.”

“And that’s why you love me.”

Riley watched as Elena leaned down and kissed Skylar. They were so effortless together; so perfect for each other. Glancing at Harlow, Riley blushed when she saw Harlow already looking at her. She tried to hide her smile as she looked down at her laptop, but Skylar must have noticed it.

“So, how are things going with you two?”

“Good,” Harlow and Riley answered in unison. Riley laughed, smiling uncontrollably. “Things are really good.”

“If we could just stop overthinking about life after the tour,” Harlow added.

“Oh, yeah,” Elena sighed as she sat beside Skylar, “we’ve been thinking about that, too.”

Skylar put her arm around Elena. “But we will figure it out, and so will you two.”

“You’re right.” Harlow sat beside Riley, putting her hand on her knee under the table as she squeezed it. “We’ll all figure things out.”

Riley chuckled to herself as it slowly grew into a full-on fit of laughter.

“What is wrong with you?” Harlow asked through laughter. Across the table, Skylar and Elena were also laughing.

“I was just thinking that there must be something in the water on this tour.” She pressed her hand into her stomach to try and control her laughter. “How else do you explain all of us falling in love on this tour?”

“You’re such a dork,” Harlow laughed as she kissed Riley. It was the first time she’d ever kissed her in front of anyone and Riley’s heart soared. That had to be a good sign. Things were going to work out for them all.

With any luck, the four of them could be having dinner at Straight to Ale together every week. Riley could only hope that dream would become a reality.

Chapter 13


Being back at the same hotel where they’d started the tour made Harlow feel bittersweet. She had expected the tour to fly by, but she hadn’t planned on it ending so quickly. After the final bow a few nights prior, the entire band and crew had headed back to California. They had a wrap party at Elena’s beach house the day before Riley and Harlow headed to the hotel.

However this time, they were sharing a room. They had each slept in separate beds the night before, and Harlow missed Riley being so close to her. So much so that she fully anticipated asking Riley to join her in bed that night.

If they ever left the pool, that was.

Riley had insisted they soak up the California sun as much as possible before they headed back to their homes. Not that Harlow wanted to think about that. She’d been so torn over what to do after the tour for weeks. Part of her wanted to leave Colorado and move to the Cove with Riley right away.

But the other part of her wanted to make sure things were going to work out between them. Harlow hated thinking that way. She liked Riley so much that she wanted to make things work between them.

A splash of water startled Harlow from her thoughts. She looked over her sunglasses at Riley, who was standing over her as the water dripped from her hair and body onto Harlow. While Riley loved the water, Harlow was happier under the umbrella in a lounge chair. But this time she didn’t have a book. Instead, she was just loving the sun on her skin and the way Riley looked in her bikini.

“Do you just like getting me wet?” Harlow instantly blushed at the question. Riley winked at her as she sat on the chair beside her. “You know what I mean.”

“I do,” she chuckled. “But at least this time I didn’t fall on you.”

“Very true.”