“Mom,” Riley groaned as she covered her face with her hands.

She wanted to run away from the embarrassment, but Riley couldn’t leave Harlow to fend for herself. Uncovering her eyes, Riley looked over at Harlow who seemed bemused by the entire thing. It was a surprise to Riley, who had expected to find Harlow was embarrassed by the question as Riley did. But instead, Harlow just smirked at her.

Wait. What does that mean? Does she want to date me? Because I think I want to date her…

“We’re not dating,” Harlow answered before Riley could. She winked at Riley, sending butterflies fluttering in her stomach. “But I have really enjoyed getting to know Riley these last few weeks.”

Aww. Riley’s heart melted at Harlow’s words. Their chairs were beside each other, across the fire pit from where her parents were sitting hand in hand. A part of Riley wanted to reach out and take Harlow’s hand, but she wasn’t sure how they would look to her parents after just claiming she and Harlow weren’t dating.

But they could date, couldn’t they? Riley thought so, especially after the way Harlow had taken her hand earlier at the bar. They’d been in public, which meant Harlow didn’t care about being seen holding hands with Riley. That had to mean something.

Didn’t it?

Riley didn’t have time to overthink it before the backdoor opened and Maddie nearly knocked over the chair as she hugged Riley from behind.

“I’ve missed my little cousin so much.”

Maddie covered Riley’s face in kisses as she giggled.

“I missed you too, I guess.”

“You guess?” Maddie walked around the chair, putting her hands on her hips. She looked happy; happier than Riley had seen her in years. Riley was sure her wife, Walker, had a lot to do with that newfound happiness. “The shop has been so quiet without you blaring your loud music at all hours of the day.”

“Hey, you like it when I play Taylor Swift, don’t lie.”

“I might have brought down your record player and some vinyl to play in the store while you’ve been gone.”

“Aww,” Riley stood, wrapping her arms around Maddie’s neck, “you really did miss me.”

“I told you I did.” Maddie playfully smacked Riley on the behind. “Hey, you haven’t introduced us to your guest.”

“Well, I was getting there.”

Smiling at Harlow, Riley watched as she stood and held her hand out to Maddie. “I’m Harlow, since Riley didn’t introduce me.”

“I was getting there. Sheesh.”

“Harlow, hmm?”

The playfulness in Maddie’s eyes told her she remembered their text conversation a few days ago when Riley wondered if she might be having feelings for Harlow. At the time, Riley was anticipating going back home and talking her emotions and feelings about Harlow out with Maddie. She hadn’t anticipated that her crush would be joining her on the trip. Of course, that didn’t mean the cousins couldn’t sneak away to chat.

“And I’m Walker, by the way.” Walker held her hand out to Harlow. “Apparently my wife forgot to introduce me, too.”

“Well, it’s great to meet you both. Riley has told me a lot about you all.”

“Hopefully it’s not all bad,” Lauren said with a laugh. “Walker, Maddie, can I get you two anything to drink?”

“We’ll get it,” Maddie and Riley responded in unison as they scurried off into the house like mice. Once the door was closed behind them Maddie asked, “Okay, you have to tell me you’re dating her, right?”

“I’m not.”

Maddie arched an eyebrow at her as she took two bottles of water out of the refrigerator.

“You’re not telling me or you’re not dating her?”

“I’m not dating her.”

“Riley,” Maddie whined, “come on. Why not? You like her, right? You told me that much. And she seems great.”