“I know we want burgers,” Riley looked up at Harlow, “right?”


“And I’ll do a margarita, no salt.”

“As always,” Emily laughed. “What can I get you, Harlow?”

“Can you make a Liquid Marijuana?”

“Wow, I haven’t had someone order that in forever. But yeah, I can make it. Do you all want fries?”

“Yes,” she and Riley answered in unison.

“Coming right up.”

As Emily walked away, Harlow slipped her hand onto the table near Riley’s. She didn’t take hold of it; simply gave Riley the option to if she wanted to. Which, to Harlow’s surprise, she did.

“So, how do you know Emily?”

“She’s best friends with my cousin, Maddie. You’ll meet her while you’re here.”

“Maddie owns the flower shop under your apartment, right?”

Riley seemed touched that Harlow remembered that tidbit of information. “Yeah, she does.”

“And she’s married to Walker, who’s working at Skylar’s record store, right?”

“Hey, you’ve got a good memory.”

“Thanks,” Harlow chuckled.

Emily brought their drinks to the table, followed soon after with their food. Just like Riley said it would be, the burger was the best Harlow had ever had. As was the drink. Maybe it was because she often ate at home, but the food in the Cove tasted so much better than anything she’d had in a long time.

But the best part of dinner was the fact that their hands kept touching. It started with the hand holding, then morphed into a more occasional touch as they ate. By the time they’d paid the tab and left, they were walking hand in hand to the car. Harlow was fully prepared for her internal alarm to go off at any minute but it never did. She opened the door for Riley as she got inside.


“You’re welcome.”

Taking a few deep breaths as she walked around the car, Harlow got into the passenger side as Riley drove them through town. She showed her all the places she’d talked about and pointed out where her friends lived. They drove past a newer home that caught Harlow’s attention as it stood out from the rest around it.

“Blake Calloway lives there,” Riley said in a dreamy tone.

“The actress?”

“Yup. Her mom, Isla, owns the place we just ate at.”

“And you don’t think to tell me that?”

Harlow acted frantic at the news, but part of her was legit fangirling. She’d watched Blake’s TV show for years and was sad when it was canceled. She knew Blake had seemingly quit the industry, but Harlow had no idea she was living in Moonflower Cove, Maine.

“She came here to reconnect with her mom and met Alexis, she used to work at the bar, too. Then they fell in love and married and had twins last summer.”

“Aww, I love that.”

“You’ll meet them too, I’m sure.”

“I’ve never met a celebrity before.”