Page 89 of Commander

“Stop talking.”

“Why should I stop? You come here telling me the Spring Court is in need of your expertise. You are resigning your post, asking me to release you from your oath. You’re one of my greatest assets, D’Artaron. Asking me to release you so that you can serve another court in a military capacity is rather bold. Don’t you think?”

“It’s not just about my military capacity.”

“How so?” He leaps off the throne and confronts me, standing right in front of me, so close, in fact, we’re chest to chest. I consider it a provocation, his dominant energy bothering mine.

I step back.

He follows.

“Fuck off, Et’enne,” I bite out.

He smiles. “What do you want, D’Artaron?”

“I want out.”


“Because the Spring queen needs me.”

“Liar,” he whispers into my face, as he would to a lover.

I push him away.

He returns the favor and shoves me so hard, I fly back and hit the wall. The impact rattles my body. He’s at me in a moment, his chest pressing mine again. “Say it.”


“Say it!”


“Say it, or I swear to June, I will not release you.”

“I will leave anyway.”

“You wouldn’t break your oath.”

“I would.”


“Because the Spring queen is mine!” I shove him. “She’s mine!” My magic lashes out and takes hold of his clothes, pinning him to the opposite wall. I can feel his magic reaching into my head and reeling back again because I’m pissed, and I’m free.

I am free.

“I crave her more than I crave life itself. If I cannot have her, I will cease breathing. This is a matter of survival for me. I must…” His magic whips out and cuts off my thoughts. I release him, and he rolls his shoulders, then walks toward me. We meet halfway.

“You must what?” he asks.

“I must marry her.” I exhale a breath I feel like I’ve held my entire life. “I must marry her.”

He throws his arms around my shoulders in the way that friends might. “That is the letter you should’ve written me. Farewell, D’Artaron.”

With the uniform jacket folded over my arm, I close the door to my office, giving one last glance at the empty wall where my weapons used to be. They’re packed in trunks and will relocate with me, but they’ve graced this office for over five decades and in two more offices in the Summer Court before that.

I’ve spent most of my life in this court, and while I have no regrets, if it weren’t for Chloe, I would never leave. But it is time for me to go, for I’m needed elsewhere. Nevertheless, that’s not the only reason I’m moving. I’ve missed her and look forward to seeing her. If she’s upset at my leaving her to complete my duties and come to terms with what I need to do, then I will do whatever is within my power to earn her back.