Page 84 of Commander

“Then let’s find more healers and have them work in shifts. Several ladies have committed themselves to join me in abstinence this season.”

Claudette’s mouth drops open. “Has everyone gone crazy?”

“They’re supporting their queen.”

She taps her head. “No crown on your head, sister, means you’ve retired from duty as their queen.”

“Be that as it may, the ladies will join me.”

“To what end? They must want something.”

I huff. “Not everyone walks around seeking to use others.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means, you and your husband used me to climb the ladder that reaches the very top of our court. I don’t begrudge you your ambition, but I see it for what it is.”

“If you think so little of me, you should let me go.”

“You care about me. I know that, but you can’t tell me you tried to dissuade Ivosen when he offered to square the late Spring prince’s debt using me.”

Claudette frowns.

I approach my sister. “I understand. You did what you had to do to support your husband and your marriage because you’re endlessly happy with him. I didn’t see it before, but I see it now. I might not like him very much, but you do, and that’s all that matters.”

Claudette’s gaze roams over my face as if she’s seeing me for the first time. “You’ve changed.”

“The crown is heavy. It forced me to accept it and all that comes with it. Which is why I know I’m making the correct choice with regard to the season. I will abstain. I will wait for him.” I can’t say his name for fear I might cry.

Claudette shakes her head. “A queen takes lovers. She dumps them all. Oh, how I wish Princess Fleur could join us. I heard she is a male eater. Send for her, Chloe. Make her come here.”

I smile. “Have people move the table with the crown on it to the throne room. Leave it there. When my king arrives, his crown will be placed next to mine and we shall claim the throne together. Now I must rest.”

A cramp starts in my lower belly, then a slashing pain makes me bend over. I press my hand over my middle.

Claudette walks me into my suite until we reach my bed. She tucks me in. I’m in a fetal position, cold sweat already beading on my forehead.

“Healer,” I gasp.

“You know it’s only temporary relief.”

“Bring one anyway.”

Claudette huffs. “You need a seeker so he can go hunt down your brain and return it to you.”

I giggle. “You’re funny when you’re mad.”

“How about I find a male? Bring him through the secret passages. Fates know there’re dozens of them throughout the palace.”

“Kostya proposed tonight.”

Claudette leaps off the bed. “And you refused?”

I smile. “He is cute, isn’t he?”

“He’s attractive, rich, and has an excellent history of fertile and powerful bloodlines.”

“That he does.”