Page 73 of Commander

Once Alestho puts her down, she cups his face. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

“I missed you, muffin. I guess I can’t call you that anymore.”

“You can call me whatever you wish,” she says.

“Just not in front of the court,” I interrupt.

The queen looks between the three of us. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” Alestho and I say at the same time.

“It’s something, and I want to know what.”

My king takes that moment to excuse himself.

I exchange looks with Alestho. If he tells her he’s taking over for me, I’ll kill him where he stands. I cannot bear watching the joy of his arrival go out of her eyes, and I fear that if I tell her my king needs my services back in the Summer Court, it will disappoint her.

I should never have touched her.

I lift her hand and kiss the top of it. “I’ll leave you with your brother now.” I bow and retreat, leaving the siblings alone.

I have affairs to sort out, after all.



Acycle later.

After the funeral proceedings and with the royals laid to rest, the people seem to have moved on and even petitioned to hold a town gathering party only a fortnight after the funeral. We hoped that by opening the season, people would start mating, and they have.

In the court, we’ve been busy restoring the traditional way a transfer of power is done. Two of my oldest siblings are making sure the right people are given jobs and the wrong ones are let go. With my sister organizing my spans and handling all my in-house affairs, I appear as if I know what I’m doing.

Then there’s D’Artaron.

The male stands like a pillar of strength, order, and unwavering support for those who surround him. Everyone wants a moment with him, but since my brother’s arrival, the two males haven’t separated. Most times, they bicker, and I’ve heard sometimes they even fight, but they’re like brothers, a bond that stands the test of time and circumstances.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen my brother happier than when we’re having a family meal. Often, it’s lunch, but sometimes it’s breakfast or dinner.

D’Artaron insisted on this family-gathering ritual once a span on the terrace of my chambers. He says all affairs can be sorted out more pleasantly while we all enjoy food.

It’s the only time of span he’s around, standing at the terrace rail overlooking the garden alone and in his thoughts instead of sitting with us. Still, his presence comforts me and fills my heart with love, even if he hasn’t touched me since my brother arrived.

A soft one-two-pause-three knock on the door announces Claudette before the guards let her into the salon of my chambers this morning. She’s wearing a short beige dress with a black blouse and a deep green scarf that matches the small wings fluttering behind her head. The wings tell the world that a female fairy is in the season’s heat.

My wings are green too.

I fluff them up, shaking off some of the fairy dust. It sparkles on the floor.

Claudette smiles. “By the fates, you are the prettiest fae queen.”

“Don’t let the Summer king hear you say that,” Lolta says. “I hear he’s terribly vain.” She looks to me for confirmation.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he was,” I say.

Claudette comes to stand next to me and presses a hand over my cheek. “You’re warm, sister.”

“It’s fine.”