Page 70 of Commander

“I do.”

“I’m listening.”

“Since you won’t advise her, I will.”


King Et’enne chuckles. “If she elects to honor the season and allow celebrations, she’ll be expected to take a lover, if not a king. Have there been suitors yet?”

An affirmative grunt is all I can muster.

“And what have you done with them?”

I side-eye him. “Nothing.”

Knowing I’m lying, he stares, a jaded look on his face.

I roll my eyes. “All right, fine. I made them disappear.”

“Ah. I do love your ruthless ways, D’Artaron.”

“Thank you, my king.”

“Welcome. So you will take the Spring queen after all.”

“I didn’t say that.”

King Et’enne snorts. “I’m a fae-ted male and even I can scent your mating hormones. You won’t last a single night when she opens the season.”

“If she opens it,” I correct.

My king turns to me, an evil grin on his face. “Oh, my dear friend, she’ll open the season because I intend to send Taliant, who will invade this court with the finest of our offerings and make us all rich and well sated.”

“She is in mourning.”

“We both know she isn’t.”

“She must present as a widow, or people will suspect her.”

“Let me tell you a story about one fiery Spring queen. Many centuries ago,” he begins, looking up as if recalling the events, but I suspect his wife, the fate who sees all that’s come to pass, is reaching his mind. “Queen Enselpe fried the Spring king, then opened the season while under the black veil. She remained in mourning until the last span of Spring when she bedded several of her many suitors. Since the queen will take the entire season to choose a lover, the competition for her hand will grow fierce. Violence isn’t allowed, but cunning is expected. May the most cutthroat bastard win.”

My king seems excited.

“Is that your plan?” I ask.

He nods. “And I’ll tell her you are returning to the Summer Court. By my orders if that makes it easier on you.”

I ignore the hollow feeling developing in my chest. “When will you speak with her?”

“Whenever you’re ready.”

“I need a replacement.”

“You have her brother.”

I frown. “He’s chosen a farm life over court.”

“Only because it was my court. This is his sister’s court.”