Page 36 of Commander

“I am the Spring queen!” she shouts, and her magic lights my blood on fire. My weapons flash a bright green, then dim as I pull the magic back.

The king looks from her to me. “You took her magic?”

“I gave it to him.”

The king shakes his head. “It is no wonder you’re short of temper, my friend.”

“It’s also not an excuse to strike you.”

“You’re not a rock, D’Artaron.”

“Are you sure?” the queen jests, no doubt trying to defuse the tension. “He reminds me of a tall mountain. Everyone wants to experience the view from the top, but nobody dares to climb it for fear they’d die in the process.”

My king chuckles. “Well said.” He whispers into my mind, “She’s very cute and bright, with strong magic to match your own. How will you refuse her?”

I swallow. “Easily.”

“Augusta said otherwise.”

I fear nothing, but prophecies of the future are creepy. “What did the fate say?”

“Very little, but enough.”

“You’re being vague.”

“When she calls, answer.”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because when the mission is complete and order is restored in the court, I don’t know how I’ll be able to walk away.” I exhale and hang my head, feeling the burden of my inappropriate thoughts leave me.

“Do you think you can control both your and her magic?” the king asks, so it appears as if we’re talking about magic. “Don’t fight your attraction to her,” he says telepathically.

“I’m not attracted to her,” I lie. “I won’t need to. If the court is in chaos, I’ll get to exercise both magics.”

He doesn’t dignify that denial with a response. We both know how I feel about the Spring queen.

“You must be looking forward to entering the Spring Court,” he says.

“Would you like to come with me?” I ask, hoping he’ll leave the dreadful Unseelie court. All my royals staying in this court drives me crazy with worry over their safety.

“I wish I could,” he says, then projects: “Fleur is unreachable to me. Her mind is closed off.”

“I await your orders on the vampire.”

“She loves him,” the king says. “El’jah confirmed. He’s the one.”

I shake my head. “And El’jah is committed to staying by Fleur’s side?”

“For now, but if I ask him to babysit the Spring queen, he will oblige.”

“Oh,” the queen whispers, then presses her lips together tightly.

My king motions with his hand. “Go on, dear. You wanted to say something at the mention of my dear brother?”

She shakes her head. “Nothing.”