Page 87 of Commander

My king sips from his glass, dark eyes assessing me over the rim. “D’Artaron isn’t going anywhere.”



Over a cycle after D’Artaron left the court, and even though I made it clear I would take no lovers during the season, the males kept approaching me with offers. If not the males, the mothers of the males. Sometimes even the fathers, uncles, and aunts as well. If the aunts approach first, then fathers won’t. Otherwise, any person who has access to me talks about my heat as if they’re benevolently trying to help me.

Sometimes, I get angry thinking about how little people think of me. Do they believe I can’t tell they’re trying to push one male or the other at me? Just because I refuse politely, it doesn’t mean I’m not fed up with the court’s shit.

“Language.” D’Artaron’s voice echoes in my head.

Despite his instruction manual stating how Claudette, as well as her husband, should handle my affairs after he’s gone, they are breaking his protocol. They’re approving far too many visitation rights to far too many people. D’Artaron’s manual specifically says I am to have no more than three visitations a span, and that only the most trusted people should come within arm’s length of me.

Claudette says visitations keep me busy and my mind occupied as I suffer great heat pains that come and go in flashes. Some nights, I don’t sleep. Other spans, the flashes happen during the afternoons, and when my sister witnesses them, she starts begging me to take a lover. At this point, in her mind, at least, anyone will do. She tells me it’s just cock (her language has gotten coarser as the spans fly by), and any cock will do so that the wings will fall off my back.

I can’t believe they’re still there. They’re supposed to have fallen off by now, not linger in place during the entire miserable season, reminding everyone I’m in heat and making me more attractive to them than I already am.

My brother-in-law has disregarded my orders to not bring males for visits, and now he’s scheming with Kostya about how to secure a crown on Kostya’s head since he thinks that male has the best chance. After all, I did disappear with Kostya for a while, and that’s the most time I’ve spend with a single male since I arrived at court.

Except for D’Artaron.

But they don’t know that.

They don’t know how he commands me and how he kisses me, and they don’t know how perfect I think he is. If they knew, they’d give up trying.

If the commander has taught me anything, it’s that some of us can’t simply “scratch itches.” The consequences of a queen bedding an ambitious male, a council member, or an influential aristocrat mean that she is considering him for the crown. I keep that in mind every time the pain strikes.

I am determined to wait for D’Artaron, even if it means I’ll wait till the end of my time. No one else could make me happy. I fell in love with him the first span I saw him, and I often wonder if, on that evening, in a room full of powerful people at the Unseelie wedding, the two powerful fates in attendance paired us.

I hope D’Artaron will come to miss me as I miss him.

And if I’m stupid, childish, innocent, idealistic, and just plain dumb for waiting for him and putting my life and my throne in jeopardy as enemies multiply, as cousins of the royals descend on my court spreading whispers of their royal bloodlines and telling tales of their rightful place on the throne, then so be it.



My dear friend,

I often wish I could punch you in the throat.

With that out of the way, I’m afraid I have bad news.

My heart starts to pound in my ears, and I look up, unwilling to read any further. Chloe took a lover. I’ve lost her. Forever. The fear constricts the throat her brother mentioned he wished to punch, and it takes an effort to control the fear of losing her. I gasp, shocked at my reaction.

Gritting my teeth, I force myself to read Alestho’s letter.

The dealings in the Spring Court have become more complicated than ever since I realized I need two pairs of extra hands. In fact, some spans, I think Frederick would’ve actually made a good king since he could multiply himself and take care of many duties at once. A few spans after you left, I realized I needed a new captain of the guard so that I can refocus my attention to the army.

We’re having some quibbles on the border that need my attention.

The relatives of the late royals are approaching the court for restitution.

But don’t worry. Everyone is still doing fine.

You asked about my sister. I presume you mean Chloe.

The males are descending on her like vultures. There is a particularly ambitious cousin of the late prince who is due to arrive at court. I presume he will propose in front of many so that she’ll feel obligated to accept or deal with the consequences of people’s displeasure at yet another of her refusals.