Page 86 of Commander

Since arriving at the Summer Court, try as I might, I’m unable to work on anything for more than a snippet of time before thinking about Chloe and how she’s faring. The pain she’s in from her heat and abstinence must be excruciating, and I wish I could leave all my duties and attend to her, but I cannot.

I cannot because, in my absence, Benoit fell behind on several of my responsibilities, which he handed back to me with gusto. However, I must say he’s managed the entire court with very few mishaps. It’s a job well done, and I’ll be sure the king knows it.

I fold a page at the top of one of many piles of papers on my desk. Leaning back, I rock my chair. Desk duties have never been my strong suit. The saving grace is that my king’s returned with the queen and his brother, Prince El’jah, who has taken over most of the court’s entertainment.

With his easy manners and seemingly careless personality interested only in fulfilling his physical desires, Prince El’jah bends males and females to his will. Those closest to him know he wears a mask, protecting a kind soul who would do anything for those he cares about.

During his sister’s unnaturally long sleep, El’jah stayed on the doorstep of the vampire lair in which she slept, refusing to leave until she awoke or died. Thankfully, Fleur is awake and expecting the baby she’s always wanted. I’m happy for her.

What this means for the Summer Court, however, is that we lost a royal whose work I’ve often overlooked and grossly underestimated. While Prince El’jah took over most of Fleur’s duties, the rest fell on Benoit. Even Taliant, our event master, has gotten a promotion (which means more duties). None of those males wanted any of the promotions I assigned them, but nevertheless, they will do as I ask.

I miss her fiercely. Violently. It’s making me want to tear into my chest and rip out my heart.

“You’re projecting an image of your open chest, D’Artaron,” says King Et’enne from his place at the breakfast table. We’re on the terrace overlooking the city and the seas beyond it. “Your violent thoughts are appreciated, but maybe not this early in the span.”

I recite the court’s anthem to clear my head and look away from the horizon. Turning my attention to the king and the prince, I lean against the railing.

“I have a lot on my mind,” I say.

“Share some of it,” my king says. “Unburden your mind.”

“His troubles,” El’jah says as he picks up a strawberry and flicks it at the king, who opens his mouth and catches it between his teeth, “aren’t of the mind, but of the heart.”

“Hence the ripped-open chest,” the king says. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” I say in a tone that’s warning El’jah’s magic away from me.

“Tell me, brother,” the king says, knowing that El’jah can read my feelings, or, more specifically, my desire for the princess with uncanny clarity.

I believe El’jah’s magic is the most powerful magic of all the royals I’ve met in my lifetime, for his is the magic of desire, and everyone yearns for something. Under the power of his magic, all our eternal hungers are exposed, delivered to him raw, and while he might think I don’t understand his abilities, I do.

When I first arrived at the court, my royals didn’t trust me enough to tell me about their magic, so I made it my duty to test the royals for the powers they possessed. What kind of commander would I be if I didn’t acquaint myself with the level of threat any one person in the court possesses to my king? I found out that El’jah’s magic is a weapon in my king’s arsenal.

“Don’t,” I say in a tone that’s not an order, but a plea. I don’t wish my feelings laid bare, for I must come to terms with them myself first. I must realize what they mean for me and the future of this court.

At first, I think the prince will ignore my request, but then he nods. “Okay, I won’t.”

King Et’enne looks from me to El’jah and asks his brother, “That bad, huh?”

“Worse. Our commander is in love.”

I tsk at him. “That will be all.”

El’jah picks up a flute of champagne. “On a lighter note, I heard you ripped Frederick’s tongue out so he couldn’t eat dinner with the Spring queen. Is that true?”

“It is not.” Deny. Deny. Deny.

King Et’enne smirks. “Such petty behavior typical of a jealous lover, I reckon, is beyond our honorable commander.”

“You two are acting like you have nothing better to do than gossip. And if that’s the case, I’ll put you to work. There’s plenty to do around here.”

“But is it true?” El’jah leans in, licks his teeth, deliberately making a sexy gesture at me. “Did you rip out his tongue like an absurdly jealous boyfriend?”

I throw up my hands. “Fine, it’s true.”

King Et’enne picks up a glass of champagne. He pushes one toward me, and I glance at it, consider drinking, then refuse as I always do. “I don’t drink while watching you two.”

El’jah clears his throat. “Perhaps it’s time you stopped watching over us.”