Page 32 of Commander

The commander shakes his head. “While you present as a weak astralum, that’s not quite right. I will requalify this magic.”

“Yes, sir.”

“After I enter, you will follow me. While there, you will answer only what you are asked and talk less while listening more. The king’s decision will be final and will decide your fate.”

“Yes, sir.”

The commander walks through the gateway, then offers me his hand. I take it, walking into a space with high ceilings, high windows, and bulky steel and dark wood furniture. Red and black drawings on the bright white walls aren’t what I expected of the Golden Palace. One would think there would be more gold inside the Golden Palace.

Silver plates decorate the table, and a hot meal is served.

Behind the table sits the shirtless king, his long, straight, dark hair draping over his right shoulder. “D’Artaron, I trust you have an emergency?”

“Yes, my king.”

The king stands and wipes his mouth, then strides toward us.

Good fates, his pants ride low on his hips, and with his hair down and his boots unlaced, he looks even more beautiful than when he’s dressed. Seeing the Summer king at the Winter wedding was one thing. Seeing the Summer king shirtless in the privacy of his surroundings (even though they are rather plain surroundings) is another.

“Hello there,” he says, presumably to me. His masculine tenor does something crazy to my already excited body.

As the Summer king reaches us, his light scent, reminding me of lazy sunsets and lovers rolling on the sand, makes me want to whine. I suppress the urge at the same time that the commander steps in front of me, blocking the king’s way.

I’m pretty sure he shouldn’t have done that, but now that he has, I gaze at his broad back.

“D’Artaron, what are you hiding?” the king purrs, making me think he wants me to part my legs for him. Oh my fate, please help me. My thoughts are inappropriate. No, don’t do anything. Don’t even look at me now. Praying to a fate who is his wife to help me might get me thrown out the window.

“How is Fleur?” the commander asks.

“Same,” the king answers, and it feels like a hammer dropped, ending that conversation instantly. Is Princess Fleur unwell? What does same mean?

D’Artaron nods and changes the subject. “Have you heard what happened at the Spring Court?”

“June told me.”

The commander pauses, then asks, “Are you going to keep me in suspense?”

“Not at all.”

When I hear nothing, I step around D’Artaron, only to see the king and the commander have locked gazes and the commander’s eyes are moving rapidly in an unnatural way. It’s over so quickly that I think I might’ve imagined it, but the darkening of D’Artaron’s eyes tells me I didn’t.

Both males regard me, and there’s something in their expressions. It’s not pity. It’s… I don’t know what it is. No one has ever looked at me this way.

“I am innocent,” I say.

“We know,” the Summer king says, then bows, remaining in the lower position. When the commander follows suit, I’m confused.

“Kings don’t bow,” I say. I might not be well versed in royal customs, but everyone knows that.

The Summer king rises first, then the commander. The king approaches me and takes my hand, then kisses it, his dark Unseelie eyes pinning me in place. “Kings do whatever they want. As do queens. Remember that, Spring queen.”



“Would you like to dine with me?” King Et’enne asks as he sits at the table.

Still pinned in place, now by shock at how he addressed me, I turn to D’Artaron, who nods, reassuring me that I correctly heard the Summer king calling me a Spring queen.