I didn’t understand and understood it less when he wouldn’t meet my eyes. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“I’ll be at the hall for the ball, and you’ll be there too.”
My mouth dropped open. “You want me to attend the ball?” I asked incredulously. Was he crazy? My heat coming was my get-out-of-the-ball card, one which I had enthusiastically played. He couldn’t take this away from me.
“No, that’s insanity,” he chided me.
Thank you, Goddess. “You said I would be in the hall.”
“Yes, but”—he hesitated—“under the hall, really.”
“Under?” I still didn’t understand, and then I did. “The cells? You want to put me in jail?”
“I’ll be the only one with the key,” he said as he nodded. “Safest place you’ll be, and I’ll be right there should you need me.”
“In the cells?” I asked again. “Like a prisoner?”
He rolled his eyes at me. “There’s a cot. You can lie down.”
“I’m not being locked up…literally locked up in the cells while you and our pack party above me!”
“Stop shouting, Kezia,” he snapped at me as he frowned. “Are you sure your body isn’t feeling any changes? You seem…shriller.”
“Shriller? Do I?” I asked him as I angrily got to my feet, snatching the bowls off the table. “I wonder why? It’s my first heat, I’m anxious, and instead of secluding and protecting me, my brother, the head of security, wants to put my virgin ass into a cell under a dance floor filled with males.”
Kris snorted as he finished his water. “It may not even happen at the ball,” he reminded me calmly. “And if it does, I’ll be able to reach you. Trust me, this is the best option.” He stood with grace, and as he looked down on my smaller stature, I had a startling moment of clarity.
“This was always your plan…to lock me up.”
“It was.”
“You know that’s not rational behavior.”
“It doesn’t need to be rational. All I need to do is keep you safe,” he told me gruffly. “And I will. Always.”
“There has to be an alternative,” I said quietly. “Can I try to find another solution?”
“I don’t care if there is an alternative. The cells are my choice for you.” He rinsed his plate and left me to go to his room, the discussion clearly over.
I stood stunned for a moment, and then I followed him. “All the males above me? When I’m in my first heat? Kris, my body is going to be demanding, you know it. Sex.”
“I understand what your body will want,” he said as he closed his bedroom window and turned to face me. “But you’re strong, Kezia. You can endure the unbearable, and you will.”
“That’s the problem. I don’t know if I can. This has never happened to me. I don’t know how I will react, and neither do you!” He stared impassively back at me. “I could be a high-strung, sex-craved female! You want that under the hall? I could cause a riot!”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” His hard stare bore into me. “You will control this heat and resist the pull of the moon. You are strong.”
“I am strong, but this? It’s unknown. I’ve never done it before. I don’t think I can fight nature, brother.”
“I have faith that you can do this.”
It was easy for him to say because I had no faith in myself.
In fact, I was pretty sure this was going to be a disaster.