“Leave? Where?” I was on my feet, alarm racing through me.
“Cannon…” Kris closed his eyes as he tilted his head back. “The belt buckle. Did you see it?”
“The angry wolf? Yes.”
“Recognize it?” Kris asked quietly as he watched me cautiously.
“No, should I?”
“I did.” Kris gave me a sad smile. “It was our father’s.”
“Dad’s?” Looking at my brother, I knew he could see I wasn’t following. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that the new neighboring alpha could be part of the pack that killed our parents, and I will not let the bastard get my sister too.” Kris thrust the duffle bag into my arms. “So, get your things and be ready to leave.”
“You said our parents were killed in an accident,” I shouted, pushing the duffle back at him. “Are you saying you lied?”
“There’s a lot you don’t know, Kez.” Kris watched me. “Pack the bag. Essentials only.”
“I’m not leaving,” I told him stubbornly. “Not until you tell me all these things that I don’t know.”
“We don’t have time for this,” he scolded me. “Pack some stuff, Kez.”
I knew not to push when he gave me that look. My brother was more stubborn than a mule.
“And then what?” I demanded as my shock wore off. “I pack, and then what? Run?”
Kris’s dark blue eyes held mine with a calmness I wasn’t sure he was feeling. “If you have to, yes.”
“I am not running.”
“Yes, you are.” Kris marched past me to my bedroom and flung open my closet. “You think he wants either of us to recognize their crime?”
“So why aren’t you running?” I demanded. “Why do I need to go? Surely, you’re the threat here?” Tugging my brother’s arm, I finally pulled him around to face me. “Kris, this is insanity. Talk to me.”
“They attacked us. Mom hid us in the long grass. I was in human form, and I held you tight,” Kris told me, and I watched as his eyes narrowed in remembrance and his jaw clenched. “You struggled, but Mom told me to keep you quiet.” He ran a hand through his hair. “They came at night…five of them. They thought we were rogues, wild. They killed Mom first.” He gulped as he told me the truth for the first time. “I can still hear her screaming to run.”
Kris walked to his bed and sat down heavily. “I remember them laughing and taunting Dad, saying he had nowhere to run.”
“She was talking to you,” I whispered, feeling tears spill over.
He nodded. “I didn’t know what to do.”
“How could you? We were children.”
“You’re still a child,” he teased me gruffly.
“And Dad?” I asked, although I wasn’t sure I wanted the answer.
“Fought them, but there were five of them and…” Standing, Kris looked at me. “The buckle was Dad’s, Kez. I know it was his. I dented it when I was five, bit it as my wolf, and got no supper. And the dent on that buckle was exactly the same.”
“You’re sure?”
“Kezia…” His look told me all I needed to know.