Page 113 of Mr. Petrov

“And you’re still very young, my darling. You have the whole world at your feet.”

“All I want at my feet is you,” I breathe. “No job, fancy apartment or money in the world can bring me you, Mr. Petrov. You are what I want, no matter what happens. I’ve always wanted kids, too. After my breakup I really thought I was done. That I’d never find anyone. We may have found each other a little on the unorthodox side, but the point is, we did find one another.”

“When you say those words, I want to make you mine.”

“I am yours.”

“I never saw my life with anyone except Nina,” he says, his lip trembling. “For fifteen years, even when I was with Claudia, I was still in love with Nina. I can’t explain this thing that you and I have, but it feels like my heart constricts in my chest when I think about losing you. I’ve never cared for anyone, except my immediate family, the way I do for you.”

“You won’t lose me,” I whisper, my lips brushing his. “I want you so much. I’m so glad my friends are deviant little creatures otherwise we may never have met.”

He laughs out loud and I press my lips to his once more.

I feel like we’ve gotten over a giant hurdle. One that has my heart fluttering in my chest and goosebumps rising over my skin when Khristian deepens the kiss.

We weren’t supposed to fall in love, but we did. And I’ll never be sorry for any of it.

I sit across the table and stare at my mom and Anna. It feels strange, them being here and none of us talking. I wish it didn’t have to be like this.

Khristian is on one side of me, and Harold sits on the other. I don’t know who is scarier.

I told Khristian he could sit in, but he wasn’t to speak to them, which I know is going to be difficult for him.

Harold and I have gone over the finer details all morning. And now I have to face the music.

“Good morning,” the opposing counsel, Laura, says with a warm smile.

“Hello,” I reply.

Harold gives a curt nod. I’m sure he’s used to dealing with acquisitions and hostile takeovers for Khristian, not petty family squabbles that should be dealt with behind closed doors. If only.

“We all know why we’re here,” Laura begins. “My clients have considered the terms of the current probate and the last will and testament of Mr. Alistair Michael Anderson, and have agreed that court proceedings are lengthy and expensive. We would love to come to some amicable agreement where all parties are satisfied.”

I almost snort with laughter at her audacity since it’s because of my mom and step-sister that I’m even sitting here having to defend myself. My mom will only be satisfied if she discredits my dad’s name and takes everything she has from me just out of spite. It’s a wonder that she even birthed me. How can two people with the same blood be so different?

Harold takes a long hard look at Laura across the table and even I feel a slight shudder run through me.

“That’s all well and good, council, but I would like to know why your clients filed a petition to the state probate court before mediation was even considered?” Harold piques a brow.

“My clients had reason to believe that Mr. Anderson was not of sound mind when his will was changed two years ago.”

“Under what grounds?”

The grounds of greed.

I watch my mom; her eyes flick to Khristian as she tries to piece together who he is. It’s unfortunate that I can’t tell my mom just how happy I am and tell her all about Khristian. But we just don’t have that kind of relationship. It doesn’t look like we ever will.

“Mrs. Anderson has medical records showing that Mr. Anderson has some brain abnormality…”

“He fell off a ladder, suffering mild concussion,” I mutter, though I already went over everything with Harold. That had nothing to do with his heart attack.

“Brain abnormality won’t hold up in court and you know it,” Harold fires back. “There is a complete lack of testamentary capacity here, council. Mr. Anderson was of sound mind and was mentally capable of making and updating his will. There are also no signs of fraud, or a newer will we don’t know about. Probate advised that all requirements were met in the state of Washington. So, I sincerely hope you have something stronger to present to me and my client or we’re going to wrap this up nice and early and call it a day.”

My mom’s mouth parts in shock while Anna just sits there glaring at me.

“My clients would like an independent party to ensure the will wasn’t made in duress,” Laura goes on, looking up from her file.

I gasp and I feel Khristian’s hand tighten around mine.