Page 117 of Mr. Petrov

She starts to quietly sob. “I miss him, Khristian. I miss him so much…”

I hold her tight. I don’t know how to make it better, but I know I’m willing to find out. I can be what she needs. I know I can.

“And you’re allowed to miss him. I don’t know a lot about him, but I know that if he raised a daughter like you, he must’ve done something right.”

She looks up and I cup her face, searching it for any signs that I can make her smile again.

“I love you.”

My lips part. “I love you, too, Imogen. So very much.”

“Please take me home.”

I nod. “Of course.”

The elevator arrives and we step in. Both her arms wrap around me as I hold her tight.

“I’ll never let you go,” I vow as the doors close. “I promise.”

Chapter Thirty


Six months later

“Oh, my god, Khristian!” I gasp. “It’s beautiful!”

I gape at the diamond necklace Khristian spent far too much money on. It’s spectacular, though, and it is my birthday so I can’t tell him it's too much.

It’s a stunning Harry Winston diamond cluster wreath necklace. I don’t even want to think about how much it costs.

“You deserve it, my darling,” he says as I reach a hand to his face and kiss him. He tries to deepen the kiss until I hear my friends cajoling and whistling.

We both laugh.

“You guys need to get a room!” Charlize yells across the table. She came home especially for my birthday, and I couldn’t be happier. I’m always happy when me, Charli and Ari are all together.

“Nope, any flat surface will do,” Ari pipes up as I shake my head.

“Happy birthday, Imogen,” Lukas says when my gaze finds his across the table. His arm is slung around Ari and they both beam at me. I’ve thanked them profusely for everything they’ve done for me this last year and a half.

“Thank you. This has been the best birthday ever!”

“Would you like me to put it on you?” Khristian asks, his mouth close to my ear. I shudder at his breath on my skin.

What this man still does to me, I can’t even describe.

“Yes,” I whisper. “Please, Mr. Petrov.”

His eyes darken at my meaning.

Leaning around, he fastens the exquisite piece around my neck. They match the earrings I’m already wearing that he bought me as a pre-birthday gift. Now I know why.

“You shouldn’t have bought me another gift,” I whisper.

He chuckles. “I love buying you gifts. Especially one that can be worn without clothes.”

I giggle. “You have a devious mind.”