Page 116 of Mr. Petrov

Harold clears his throat. “I’m taking it you’re not going to consider the terms?”

Laura turns to her clients then back to us. “I need time to discuss in private, but I have to agree with Mrs. Anderson. It does sound a lot like bribery, council.”

Harold stares at her coldly. “You know what I think?” Oh, here we go. I was waiting for the shark to appear. This man has gone into legal battle with me umpteen times over the years, and he rarely loses a case. He doesn’t have the reputation for being a pit-bull for no reason. “I think this is very sad and unfortunate for my client. The money belongs to her, fair and square. You won’t win in court, and frankly the attempt to intimidate Miss Anderson by even having this meeting today astounds me. The money is legally hers. No matter what you say or do, we all know it. We also know you don’t have a case, you’re playing on her emotions to try and get the outcome you want. You just want to guilt her into giving it to you because she’s a decent person, unlike the two of you.”

“Mr. Kingman, that is out of line!” Laura glares at him, clearly being egged on by Sandra and Anna to do something.

“No. It isn’t,” Harold goes on as I pinch the bridge of my nose. Imogen stares at him with wide eyes. “The money is yours if you agree to at least attempt to repair your relationship with your daughter, despite what you’ve done and continue to do to her. Off the record, I can’t be certain that I’d be so forgiving, but that’s just me. And to sit here and act like it’s the worst thing in the world, is, quite frankly, one of the most disgusting things I’ve seen in thirty-five years. I wouldn’t embarrass yourselves trying to take this any further, a judge will throw it out of court before the words are even read off the paper.”

I feel Imogen’s hand in mine. She hasn’t let go of me and I know now in this moment that I want to do everything I can for her so she knows she’s supported and loved. That she feels every single inch of how important she is to me. I will never let her go through something like this again.

She’d give up the money to get back on track with her mom, even though this horrible woman deserves nothing. I’d love to destroy her, like she has my little rose, but that would just be petty. Even if she deserves it.

Imogen’s entire demeanor falters, and I know she was hoping for a different outcome to this.

I wish it didn’t come down to a shit fight, but legal action where family and money are concerned, usually go hand in hand.

“Mr. Kingman, we would still like to pursue the avenue of…”

Harold holds his hand up. “I think I can safely say that the offer is withdrawn, can I not, Miss Anderson?” He turns to look at Imogen.

She meets her mom’s gaze once more and nods. “I can see this is clearly pointless.”

“So, you’re just going to keep the money?” she whines. Does this fucking woman ever stop?

Hasn’t she proved her point already?

“It’s not because I want to,” Imogen breathes. “Trust me on that.”

“So, she’s just going to get away with it?” Anna squawks. The invitation to have counselling didn’t stretch to her. “We don’t get anything?”

“Yes,” I smirk. “You get a nice big, old bill from Miss. Vasquez.” I smile, showing them my pearly whites as they both glare.

Imogen turns to Harold. “Thank you.”

He smiles ruefully. “I’m sorry it’s not the outcome we wanted,” he murmurs.

She nods, turning to me. “I need to go home now.”

I cup her chin and kiss her chastely. “Let’s go.”

We stand, ignoring the commotion in our wake as Harold continues to address what will happen now; nothing, basically. Imogen got all the answers she needed. This was never about the money for her, even though she put her life on hold because she was broke, not being able to use the money she didn’t have full access to in case she had to pay it all back. Living with Lukas and Ariana for the last six months because of all the shit that went down in her life.

I shake my head. She’s resilient, and she’s strong.

We leave and Imogen never looks back.

“I’m proud of you,” I whisper, folding an arm around her back as we walk.

She nods, tears in her eyes as I pull her into my chest. “I’m not sure there’s much to be proud of, but I said what I had to say. I know now.”

“You do. I’m sorry that sometimes life can be cruel. I don’t like seeing you in pain.”

She laughs without humor. “What was I honestly expecting? Us to join hands and sing? I just thought that we could put the past behind us. Did I use the money as bait? Yes. But I’d gladly give it all up if it meant trying to repair what I thought we’d lost, but now I know we never had it in the first place.”

I pull her into my arms as I stab the elevator button. Her tears are soft and silent, but I feel her body shudder.

“You’re the bravest woman I know, Krasavitsa,” I tell her. “Don’t ever forget that. I’m proud of you, and your dad would be, too.”