Page 59 of Jagged Edges

“Shit, maybe I should take a bullet more often,” he grins.

I glare in his direction and gawk for a moment, “Zeke Adams, I will kill you myself.”

“Ouch,” he laughs and clutches his chest, “you wound me.”

Just then the door to Riot’s apartment flings open, and in walks a very disheveled, exhausted looking Riot. Zeke’s brow furrows and he pushes away from the countertop, striding over to Riot who’s gently pushing the door closed.

Deep red stains splatter across his clothing. Cracked, dried blood cakes his knuckles and scatters across his neck.

“Blood… Riot, are you ok?” I gasp, wanting to reach out and touch him, but being cautious at the same time because he doesn’t seem like his normal self at this moment.

“Y-” he clears his throat, “yeah. I’m fine, it’s uh… it’s not my blood.”

“What happened baby boy?” Zeke tilts Riot’s chin up with the side of his index finger, and Riot shakes his head.


“You mean revenge?” Zeke interjects.

Riot shoots him a look, and nods his head before turning and glancing in my direction. Part of me feels like an outsider, like I’m witnessing a private moment and I simply don’t belong. As he turns back to face Zeke, Zeke mumbles something I can’t understand, and the pot of water boils over; the sizzling of the scattering droplets across the ceramic cut through my consciousness.

I turn around quickly and shut the water off, busying myself with the task of finishing the pasta. My brain is a mess right now. I can’t stop thinking about Riot’s lips, and the way we came all over each other right in this kitchen not even 24 hours ago. Then my brain jumps back to these tense moments with Zeke and the last couple hours where I got to see the Zeke he keeps buried.

Pressing my eyes closed, I set the pot of noodles down and grip the ledge of the countertop, inhaling and exhaling at a metered pace. Trying to regain control of my thoughts. I should leave. I should give them some time to figure shit out. Opening my eyes, I spin around to face them, preparing to announce my departure.

Flicking my eyes up, they meet Riot’s and he steps into me.

“I think I should leave and give you guys some space,” I announce quietly.

“Don’t. I want you here,” he leans in, his lips hovering above mine as he reaches out and laces our fingers together.

“But -”

“But nothing boy toy,” Zeke chimes in, walking closer. “You heard him.”

My eyes flick over to Zeke’s as Riot presses his lips gently to mine. There’s no urgency behind it, it’s not deep, it’s this sweet and tender moment that feels as natural as breathing. Our lips slow dancing together. Zeke’s eyes widen, and I’m filled with this weird moment of panic. I just got to a good place with Zeke, I think. I don’t want to blow it all up, but I can’t look away because Zeke doesn’t look angry, he looks… hungry.

Our kiss breaks and Riot turns, facing Zeke, capturing his lips in a similar fashion, and again Zeke’s eyes are locked on mine. My insides are on fire. It’s as though I swallowed a lit match with a mouth full of gasoline. I don’t know what’s happening now but I’m too afraid to ask. Too afraid to move. I’m fully prepared to tuck my tail between my legs and run, but it’s like Zeke sees something in my eyes, and decides to put a stop to it.

He cups Riot’s cheek, breaking their kiss, and his eyes flick from mine to Riot’s.

“Is this what you wanted, baby boy?” His voice is gravely and low, sending chills down my spine. “You want us both? Me and him?”

Riot nods his head slowly, and I can’t see his expression, but I see Zeke’s and the curve of his lips and twinkle in his eye is absolutely wicked.

“Use your words,” Zeke reaches out and runs his fingers across Riot’s collarbone lovingly. Tracing his fingers up his neck, and into his soft green hair. In a trance, I watch as Zeke grips Riot’s hair, and lowers his face until their noses touch.

“Yes,” Riot breathes heavily.

“Then get on your fucking knees and show Cole how much you want him.”

Zeke spins Riot around, and like a puppet on a string, Riot drops to his knees in front of me. I look down at his widening, bright baby blue eyes, and I realize that I am a goner. I’m entering uncharted territory and after tonight there will be no going back.

This is the point of no return.

Crouching down beside Riot, Zeke leans in, grazing his lips across Riot’s earlobe, “Take his cock out.”

With trembling hands, Riot reaches up and grips my sweatpants and my boxer briefs, tugging them down together gently as his tongue swipes across his lower lip. My dick pops free, bobbing face level with Riot, and I am hard as a fucking rock, already leaking pre-cum.