Page 57 of Wayward Souls

“Alright then. Yes. Yes, I can make this work. I know you don’t own the boats though, think you could get me in there anyway to place some additional cameras so we can be sure?”

“Yeah man, consider it done.”

“Alright then. I’m gonna need to walk around and take some photos if that’s cool. So I can accurately plan out which systems we need to go with, how many cameras, etc.”

“Yeah, yeah, man,” I nod. Have at it, I’ll just -“

My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I signal to Zeke to give me a second as I pull it out.

Blaize Knox.

What the fuck does Blaize want? Our business with the Reapers is done and over. We owe them no favors. They wanted Ryker dead just as bad as we did, and Hannah assured us that helping us hunt down the girls was a favor from her. That her little Reaper boyfriends wouldn’t want anything in return.

“I gotta take this, but go ahead. Knock yourself out,” I nod my head at Zeke.

Swiping the phone, I turn on my heel, walking in the opposite direction as I put it up to my ear.

“What?” I growl.

“You better check your fucking tone with me, Price.”

“You fucking called me, what do you want?”

“You know what? Fuck you, motherfucker I -”

Muffling filters through the phone, I hear a grunt, a groan and then I hear a second voice. A different voice.

“Hey man, we come in peace.”


Releasing a sigh, I find myself feeling settled that I’m now dealing with the brother who while slightly more psychotic, is more level headed than that fucking basket case Blaize. Guess we weren’t free and clear after all though.

“Okay, well, what do you need?”

“Nah man, it’s not us who needs something. We have something here that belongs to you.”

“What?” Confusion settles in. What could he possibly have that belongs to me?

“Yeah, man, your girl. She showed up at The Underground tonight.”

My girl, my girl… what is he… no.

“Sp-Aria?” I correct myself.

“Yeah, I mean whatever you call her. Anyway, she’s in a bad way man. A really fucking bad way. She’s curled up in my office on a couch sleeping it off right now, but I don’t know what to do with her. I didn’t want to just stick her in an Uber. I - we figured a courtesy call would go a long way in showing we meant all that shit about a truce.”

“Yeah, no. I… thank you. I’ll be there. I’m across the city right now, but I’m coming.”

“Alright man,” he responds.

“Hey Arsenal,” I cut in.



“Not a problem.”