“When I heard about what happened at the house, I went to see a friend of mine. I can’t believe Alessandro Rossi attacked you.”

“He didn’t attack me.”

“His men then. It amounts to the same thing. You sure you’re okay?”

“What do you mean, his men? They were debt collectors who wanted you.” My attempt at keeping calm slips away. “I can’t believe you left me to face them alone. How could you do that to me?”

There’s a pause, and when he speaks again, his voice is lower, laced with a seriousness that sends a chill down my spine. “Jess, I need you to listen to me very carefully,” he says, and I can almost picture him, leaning in, eyes darting around as if to ensure no one else can hear. “That man you’ve married, Alessandro... he’s not who you think he is.”

My heart skips a beat, a cold dread settling over me. “What are you talking about?” I manage to say, my voice barely a whisper.

“He’s using you, Jess. He hired those debt collectors to come to our house. It gave him an excuse to save you, be the knight in shining armor.”

“That’s not true.” But a part of me is already wondering if Dad might be right.

“Think about it. They show up ten seconds before he did, right? Then the place happens to burn down so you’re living with him and he suddenly proposes marriage? A billionaire who could have anyone he wants and he picks you? Does any of that seem likely?”

“He loves me.”

He laughs coldly. “Be real. He’s using you to get to me. I’ve got intel on him that could put him away for the rest of his life. You’re just a pawn in his game, sweetheart. He doesn’t care about you, not really. You can’t tell me you think he cares about you. You’re fat, unemployed, and fucking useless.”

I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut, the words knocking the air from my lungs.

Part of me wants to shout, to deny his claims and defend the man I’ve come to love more than life itself. But fear roots me to the spot, a niggling doubt worming its way into my thoughts.

Could it be true? Is my happiness, our happiness, just a façade?

Dad continues talking. “He’s dangerous, Jess. You let on that you’ve spoken to me and he’ll torture you to find out where I am.”

I’m stunned into silence, the phone heavy in my hand. The realization that I’m being manipulated, either by Alessandro or by my own father, is a bitter pill to swallow.

The two men in my life, each with their own agendas, and here I am, caught in the crossfire, a mere pawn in some dangerous game.

“What do you want from me?” I ask, my voice faint.

“Garibaldi has set up a meeting in two day’s time. Make sure Alessandro attends alone. Garibaldi will do the rest.”

“What’s he going to do?”

“Your husband’s evil, Jess. He’s the devil. You’ve no idea the sick things he’s done in his life, killed his sister, killed his father, killed so many innocent people, all for power.

“He doesn’t care about another living soul, he’s just good at faking being human. Listen, I’ve got to go. I’ll call you again soon.”

* * *

As Alessandro rows us gently across the lake at Versailles, the tranquility of our surroundings does little to soothe the tumult in my heart.

His muscles move with each stroke, is a symbol of the security I’ve always felt in his presence. But now, that security is tainted with doubt, my father’s words echoing in my mind like a persistent, dark whisper.

The water’s surface is smooth as glass, reflecting the grandeur of the palace and the azure sky above. I force a smile, engaging in light conversation, clinging to the normalcy of this moment.

Alessandro seems oblivious to the change in me, his laughter and stories filling the air between us. He knows about my father but chose not to tell me. Is this just part of his manipulation?

As we approach the shore, my heart races, not just from the fear of what my future holds, but from the immediate challenge of maintaining my composure.

I step out of the boat, my movements clumsy with anxiety. My foot catches on the edge, and suddenly I’m falling, the world tilting dangerously.

The pain is sharp as my knee scrapes against the rough ground. Blood beads on the surface, a bright red against my pale skin, and for a moment, I’m overwhelmed.