Page 56 of Fired

“Harder,” I growled, flattening my palms against her belly and moving in time. I knew she had to feel how hard I was, and I was dying to offer her more. Judging by her heavy breathing, she had to be so damn ready that she ached.

When I made my move, it was sudden. My right hand dove between her legs and she gasped out my name. “Dominic!”

“Shh,” I warned. “Keep working.”

My thumb grazed the zipper of her jeans, and I teased her, rubbing my thumb up and down, wondering how much of this I could take before I ripped away every barrier and got what I needed.

She stopped messing with the dough. She was melting right into me, hardly able to keep standing. I cupped her in my hand, and she arched into my touch almost ferociously. Then my searching fingers found the cleft at her center, and she let out a raw moan.

“Dom,” she gasped while my fingers worked her without mercy. “Oh god, Dom, please.”

I teased her ruthlessly. I knew she wanted more, wanted my fingers inside of her, was quaking at the thought of taking my cock deep. I’d make her tell me. She’d beg for it before we were done tonight.

“Fuck, I need you,” I growled, knowing I couldn’t wait much longer. I needed to get inside. I needed to get everything.

“Don’t stop,” she pleaded, rocking back and forth hard against my hand, rubbing her ass against my cock with so much intensity I didn’t know how I’d go another ten seconds without losing it.

Then she came. Just like that. With my hand between her legs and her ass pushed against my cock and our clothes still on. She cried out and she trembled as the spasms gripped her and she only kept standing because I held her up.

There was a mirror across the room, and I caught a glimpse of the two of us. The sight of her flushed face and wild hair as she leaned against my chest, trying to catch her breath was the stuff of every epic fuck fantasy I’d been trying not to have since she entered my life. I couldn’t wait to see that look on her face again from a more creative angle. Her soft, full lips were slightly parted, and I just stared at her mouth. Hot damn, I was going to make good use of that mouth.

“You’re beautiful,” I told her in a husky voice.

Melanie turned her head and looked up at me. She smiled, and suddenly I was a little ashamed. I wanted to give her a hell of a lot more than a cheap orgasm in the middle of a dirty kitchen.

I didn’t have time to tell her that, though, because the chime over the front door rang and a voice called out. “Dom?”

Melanie’s smile dissolved.

“Shit,” I hissed, and we backed away from each other so fast it was like we were two teens who’d been caught messing around in the basement. When Gio entered the kitchen, Melanie was standing at the sink with the water running, and I was rolling out dough, trying to will my boner away by thinking about highway roadkill.

“Hey,” I said mildly as my brother looked around with a frown.

“What’s going on?” he asked with an odd tone to his voice.

“Just cleaning up,” I said brightly.

Gio gave me a flat stare. “Looks like you’re cooking, not cleaning.”

“Oh yeah, I promised Melanie I’d make her a pie to go. Speaking of which, I’m sure it’s ready.”

I grabbed a flat box from a stack that Tim had folded earlier and set it on the counter. The pizza was done to perfection. In one fluid movement I removed it with the pizza peel and set it inside the pie box.

“Here you go, Melanie,” I said, closing the lid. I wondered if my voice sounded as weird as I felt. I could feel Gio’s eyes on me. He hadn’t moved since he’d walked into the kitchen.

Melanie turned off the water and carefully dried her hands on a nearby towel. Her hair was still a little disordered, and the pink flush hadn’t left her cheeks. But she’d brushed all the telltale flour off her clothes, and she even managed to smile as if she hadn’t just climaxed in front of the prep counter a minute ago.

“Thank you, Dominic,” she said, and reached out to take the pizza. She glanced over at Gio, but my brother was still watching me.

Melanie swallowed, and I could see the uncertainty in her eyes. It made me feel like a prick, a predatory prick. I was worse than just an asshole who couldn’t maintain an appropriate distance from the employee who’d been working her ass off to help make my restaurant a success.

Somehow the sight of Gio had woken me up to reality. I was being selfish starting something with Melanie while knowing damn well I wouldn’t be able to build something real with her. I was too haunted by old ghosts and too driven by regret and ambition to concentrate on anything but the restaurant. Melanie would wind up being juggled among all the other priorities in my life, and she was worth so much more than that. If I cared about her at all, I would stop this thing in its tracks.

“You have the morning off tomorrow,” I told her. “Just like the rest of the Espo 2 staff.”

Her eyebrows knitted together, and the hand holding the pizza box wilted a little. “I’ll still be over at Espo 1 tomorrow evening. You know that some of the staff will be getting in some last-minute training for Friday’s opening, and I promised I’d be there for them.”

“That’s fine. I’ll be here all day, though, so I’ll see you Friday. Thanks for sticking around to help clean up.”