Page 67 of Fired

The conversation stalled, and we just stared at each other. He looked as gruff and sexy as ever. Meanwhile, I was barefoot, and the robe clung to wet patches on my body. Even though the robe technically covered everything, I had never felt more naked than I did as those dark eyes slowly swept over me with obvious hunger.

I cleared my throat and pinched the belt of the robe a little tighter. “I could make coffee if you want. Or tea.”

He smiled briefly, and then his face grew serious again. “Thanks, but I don’t want coffee.”

“Or tea?”

“No. I don’t want tea either.”

The belt was too tight. Or the oxygen had left the room. I felt light-headed. “So what do you want, Dominic?” I squeaked out the question.

He cocked his head to the side and held my gaze. The way he stared at me made his intentions clear. “I want you, Mel. I’ve wanted you since the day we met. And I don’t care if it’s the wrong time or the wrong place or what the fuck ever. I’m tired of fighting the way I feel. Aren’t you?”

I needed to sit down. This was the stuff of my fantasies, except it was happening right in the middle of my living room in front of my cats. Since there wasn’t a chair nearby, I leaned against the wall so I wouldn’t fall over and turn this intense moment into a blooper outtake.

“Dominic,” I whispered. I looked at the floor because looking at Dominic was more than my tender senses could take right this second.

“Melanie?” he asked gently. “Do you want me to leave?”

Leave?Was he kidding? I shook my head so vigorously my hair clip came loose. “No.”

“Then look at me,” he demanded.

I looked. He hadn’t moved, but somehow it seemed like he was closer, as if the overpowering pull between us was finally going to be acknowledged as inevitable. I couldn’t resist him if I tried, and I didn’t want to try. But I didn’t want to be used as a toy either.

“A little while ago you informed me in no uncertain terms nothing would ever happen between us at work again,” I reminded him.

He advanced so quickly I gasped and instinctively flattened myself against the wall. Only inches away Dominic cupped my face in his hands, his thumbs grazing my cheeks, my lips.

“We’re not at work,” he said bluntly. “There’s no staff here, no restaurant, no moral boundaries. This is only about us, nothing else. Can you handle that?”

“We’re not at work,” I repeated. And it made perfect sense to me. What was happening here didn’t have to have anything to do with what happened during business hours.

“Can you handle that?”

Yes, yes, I could.

Slowly I reached down and loosened the knot on my belt. Dominic noticed. He was breathing hard as he watched.

“Melanie,” he said in a voice half-strangled by arousal, “be sure. Be absolutely fucking sure. You know once we start this there won’t be any stopping it.”

“I’m sure,” I breathed, letting the silky fabric slide through my fingers as I got the belt loose. “And I don’t want to stop.”

He kissed me. But it was more than a kiss. It was weeks of tension and desire and sensual dreams and flirting and resisting and long looks and jealousy and finally ... giving in.

Dominic’s mouth made the demands, and I answered them with eagerness. His tongue explored brazenly, and a low moan escaped his throat when I reached low and cupped my palm over the hard urgency that I’d felt the other night but hadn’t gotten close enough to because we’d stopped too soon. I stroked him like that, over his pants, exploring the thick erection that I was dying to know more intimately. He broke the kiss, sucked my neck for a moment, and then pulled back. He grabbed my hand and pressed his dick against my palm even harder.

“This what you’re looking for?” he said. And it wasn’t a gentle question. It sounded almost like a dare.

“Yes,” I panted and squeezed my fingers until he inhaled sharply.

Dominic let my hand stay where it was as he swiftly pulled the belt away from my robe. “You’ve been thinking about this,” he accused. “You’ve been thinking about me a hell of a lot. Haven’t you?”

I swallowed. “Yes. I think about you all the time.”

He smiled, evidently pleased with me. “Good. I want to hear all about it. And you’re going to tell me everything, right?”

“Yes.” The word came out as a moan because Dominic’s hands were on me now, stroking my belly, teasing between my legs.