Page 28 of Fired

Instead of offering some cursory response, he just stared at me. And stared some more.

“Is that okay?” I finally asked. I really wished he’d stop watching me with such intensity. There was nothing mean or critical in his expression, but when Dominic looked my way, I knew I had all of his attention. The idea made me a little dizzy.

Dominic raised an eyebrow. “Of course it’s okay. After all, like you said a few minutes ago, what do I pay you for?”

“Good,” I said, turning around and hurrying back to my desk so I could be free of his scrutiny. Dominic was one of those men who could make you feel effectively undressed with one sweep of his dark, penetrating eyes. And something told me he knew it.

“Hey, Melanie?” he called.

I stopped in my tracks.

“Just wanted to say thanks again,” he said. “For cleaning up around here and for being the next best thing to an on-call nurse.”

I turned and faced him. “You’re welcome once again. Although I do recognize it was probably a wise life choice for me to abandon the medical field.”

Dominic chuckled. “I don’t know about that. You did think of staunching the wound with toilet paper.”

I laughed lightly in return. Then I crossed my arms and bit my lip. “Look, I’m sorry I got all weepy on you there.”

“No,” Dominic said forcefully. He shook his head and looked at me in that way that made me feel like my insides were burning up. “You should never be sorry for that.”

I swallowed. When I’d walked in here this morning, I was somehow sure that working with Dominic every day would solve my troublesome fascination with him. Now I had no idea what to think.

“I’ll be working in the office,” I blurted and scurried back there before he could respond. I sat down behind the desk and tried to clear my mind by thinking of uncomplicated things like puppy dog memes and potato chip flavors. Nothing worked. The image of Dominic’s face kept swimming through my mind no matter what I tried to replace it with.

One thing was clear to me. Things could get complicated with this man. They could get complicated so easily.