Page 35 of A Ruthless Lust

“But you just did,” Damian said, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. “And it was so easy. You respond to me so readily every time, Querida.”

Humiliated though she was, Abby didn’t bother to hiss out any argument. He was right. It was like she lost all sense of self whenever he was close. She forgot all about why she was really entertaining his advances. Maybe they could have something real. It amazed her how she still felt that way despite finding out that he really was the ruthless man everyone made him out to be.

“That’s why I’m here. I need you to forgive me, Abby.” Her eyes flew to his, wide with surprise. “I revel in your body’s response to even my lightest touch. I’ve missed having you in my bed these last two nights. Hell, I even kind of miss you talking my ears off in the morning.”

This time, Abby did pull away. “You came all the way here to tell me you miss having sex. Nice, Damian.”

His lips twitched. “I did, but…I also came to tell you that I miss you as well.” He blew out a breath and ran his fingers through his hair. “I can’t even believe I’m here. I should forget about you, Abby. I really should. But here I am, and I’m sorry for the way I brought up your father the other morning. You’re still grieving, and I was insensitive.”

She noticed that he hadn’t apologized for the things he’d said, just for the way he’d said them. “Your delivery was totally inappropriate,” she said, “but you’ve made no secret of hating all Aldridge’s, so I shouldn’t have been so injured over the whole thing.”

“I don’t hate all Aldridge’s, Abby. Surely, you’ve realized that by now.”

“Let’s just forget about our little spat. I’m over it.”

Damian’s eyes bore into her. Again, it was like he was staring at her soul—her now tainted soul. “Something isn’t right.”

Her heart dropped. “What do you mean?”

“I was expecting you to spit way more fire before forgiving me. Maybe throw a few more colorful insults.”

That was what she ached to do, but there was no time for all of that when she needed to get back into his bed so that she could do what needed to be done. “You would deserve every insult too,” she said, “but what would be the point? It wouldn’t change the fact that you hate my last name.”

Damian sighed. “Abby …”

“It’s okay, Damian … Really. I, too, have enjoyed our time in the sack. That alone will earn your forgiveness.”

He scratched his chin thoughtfully before his smooth chuckle resonated in her living room. “Delightful as always … Now that we have that settled, I’m inviting you to my mother’s for dinner this Sunday. Say yes. She insisted that I bring you.”

“You have got to be kidding me,” Abby said. “This habit you have of insulting me and then inviting me places is getting old. I am not going to meet your mother. We’re not even ... together.”

“We don’t have to be a couple to enjoy an amazing home-cooked meal. Come with me, Abby.”

“Absolutely not.”


“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Abby said. She huffed and folded her arms under her breasts and stared at the impressive two-story house in front of her.

Damian’s smile was smug. “There was no way you could refuse after I persuaded you so effectively with my tongue…and my fingers and my …”

“We’re at your mother’s door, Damian. Please, be quiet.”

With a rumble of laughter, he pushed his key into the door and opened it. Abby hesitated before stepping inside. She felt like the biggest hypocrite to ever walk the face of the earth. There she was back with Damian, sleeping with him, and meeting his mother…all while she was still plotting against him. A few days, she mused. That was all it took for her to go from stone-hearted and determined to make Damian pay for his sins…to feeling guilty. He was such a good actor—projecting traits of gentleness to counter his grimmer side.

He’d stayed with her in her cramped apartment last night and ate take out, as if he wasn’t some powerful business mogul who surely had more important things to do. Then, he’d made love to her and held her in his arms all night, as if he hadn’t made it clear that they were in no way, shape or form, a loving couple. His Jekyll and Hyde act was keeping her on her toes and never failed to make her question her plot for revenge.

“My mother or anyone one else you meet won’t bite, Abby.”

She blinked and realized that she was frozen in the doorway. “Sorry, I was just lost in thought for a minute.” She shrugged off her coat and handed it to him. Damian hung it next to his and sent her a reassuring smile. “Who else am I going to meet?”

“Just my cousin and a friend of mine—who’s apparently now my mother’s friend.” He scowled at the last comment and Abby’s brows kicked up.

“You have a problem with that?”

“Yes, a major problem,” he said through clenched teeth. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her further inside. “Let’s just get this over with. Maybe we can make an early break after dinner.”

That would suit her just fine. Being around Damian’s family would doubtless be awkward. She wondered what kind of a person his mother was. Probably cold and miserable, seeing as how Damian turned out to be the ruthless man that he was.