Page 34 of A Ruthless Lust

His presence in her apartment set her on edge. She hated him. She wanted him. She wished she could scream her frustration. How could she still be in the least bit attracted to him after what she had discovered? Abby watched him study his surroundings as she cursed her anxiety. She shouldn’t care less what Damian thought of her place.

“Your home looks like you,” he said, taking in the bold colors and various paintings gracing the walls. His lips kicked up at the corners when his gaze landed on stacks of books littering a side table.

“I can’t tell if that’s a compliment or not.”

His dark eyes found and held her captive. “Definitely a compliment.” His mouth formed a disapproving frown. “There’s no security anywhere to be seen in the lobby. You shouldn’t parade around unprotected.”

“Excuse me? I’m a grown woman.” Abby found his comment amusing, but she refused to laugh. She didn’t want to give him the slightest idea that he was in anyway way forgiven for his behavior just days before.

“You happen to have a prominent surname.”

She gave him a mirthless smile. “Thanks for your concern, but I’m hardly a candidate for kidnapping, what with the dwindling Aldridge fortune and all. Besides I’ve always flown under the radar of high society. I’m just another basic gal trying to live her life in peace.”

“There’s nothing basic about you,” Damian said.

The words were so low, Abby nearly missed them. She quickly averted her gaze, refusing to be pulled in by his charm more than she’d already been. Remember everything he’s done, she reminded herself. “So, you spoke with my mother yesterday ...”

“I did,” he said, as an unmasked hatred flickered across his face. “I was hoping to see you, but the vile harpy told me you weren’t there. I decided to give you another day before coming here.”

“You have no right to talk about her in such a manner. She’s my mother.” Indeed, Celeste could be vile but Abby didn’t take kindly to the likes of Damian calling her mother vile, how could he when he was just as bad as Celeste. Hell, Abby felt like she belonged in the vile category as well because after dropping her task to take Damian down, she was seemingly back on board.

“Don’t hold your breath for an apology.” His gaze was unwavering, daring her to demand one.

Abby relented. “I wasn’t happy when she informed me that she gave you my true address.”

“I knew where you lived before yesterday. I knew you didn’t reside at the mansion the entire time.”

“What ... How?”

His shoulders lifted casually as he bent to study the framed photos decorating the center table. Abby wanted to scoop them up and hide them from him. Having him in her personal business was unsettling. “How …?”

“I knew just about everything I needed to know about you from a very thorough background check.” He straightened and turned back to her, as if he’d just announced something trivial like the weather.

Abby gawked, outraged and on the verge of panic. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that there was no way he knew she was manipulating him from a background check. Then, she focused on her outrage. “How dare you invade my privacy like that? You could have just asked whatever you wanted to know.”

“You’re an Aldridge, I had to make sure you weren’t a liar like the rest of your bunch.”

The fact that he was so calm and matter of fact infuriated her. Damian thought he could do anything he pleased and get away with it. Obviously, his money and power had gotten to his head.

“When I dubbed you a pompous ass, I couldn't have been more spot on.”

Damian had the gall to laugh, and she pictured herself bashing his head in with any heavy object that she could get her hands on. “I told you, Abby, I’m cautious with reason. I’m sorry if you feel that I invaded your privacy, but when you think about it, I don’t know any intimate details about you. I know your studies involved art, and I know about your new job, but I had no idea that you paint.” He looked to the easel stand and the stool beside it littered with small containers of paints and brushes. He covered the distance between them and lifted a hand to swipe his thumb across her left cheek. “You’ve got a smear of blue right here.”

Abby reacted first, with a hitch of her breath as he made the slight contact, then the clenching of her stomach caused by his proximity, and then her face heated, embarrassed that she’d had paint on her face the entire time. She pulled away and reached up to wipe her cheek.

Damian laughed. “It’s not going anywhere. It’s already dried.”

“Excuse me while I go wash my face …”

His fingers wrapped around her wrist, stopping her escape. “It’s no big deal. You make anything look good.”

“Flattery won’t help your case, Damian,” she said, attempting to slip out of his hold. But the butterfly wings fluttering in her stomach said differently.

His fingers tightened slightly, as he pulled her closer. “Maybe this will.” He dipped his head toward hers.

She should have pushed him away, but her traitorous body wouldn’t have it. The instant their lips touched, she forgot how much she was supposed to despise him. She found herself melting into him and anticipating each movement of his mouth. It didn’t take long for the flames of sexual need to ignite. But before she could be engulfed by those flames, by him, she moaned a protest and pulled away.

He only allowed her to get so far. She was still pressed against his chest, but his mouth was no longer distracting her. “Let me go,” she said. “You can’t show up and expect me to just fall into your arms.”