Page 28 of A Ruthless Lust

Chapter Thirteen


Weeks later…

“You’ve met a girl haven’t you, son?”

Damian coughed and sputtered, all the while trying to keep his expression neutral. The one person who could make him lose his famed, stoic coolness smiled serenely at him across the dinner table—Arlet Gonzalez-Coldwell, his mother. She was also his hero but he wouldn’t let her know that just yet. If she wasn’t the strongest woman alive, he didn’t know who was. A former beauty queen who fell in love with an American, she had left her country to start a new life only for her fairytale to turn into a nightmare. She ended up having to raise a kid on her own when her husband went to prison for a crime he wasn’t guilty of, and after that he had killed himself. Damian grew up watching his mother struggle and make too many sacrifices to get him where he was today.

His respect for her was on an entirely different level, and he never allowed her to see the ruthless side of him that emerged to scare everyone else shitless. He was never a cold bastard in her presence. He was just an adoring son who—according to her—needed to smile more.

Damian sent an accusing glare to his left where Camilla sat giving him an innocent look. She shook her head and shrugged. Of course, his cousin hadn’t mentioned anything to Arlet. She had no idea that he was involved with a woman—especially one he shouldn’t have been involved with in the first place. Involved. Was that what he should call it? What did one call two weeks of entertaining dates, accompanied by incredible sex?

“I meet lots of girls,” he said, hoping she would drop the subject.

“I’m well aware. I know how to use Google. I see things.”

“Lies, Mamá, all lies.”

Camilla snickered as she toyed with the food on her plate. “You can’t believe everything you see about your son on Google. Whether or not he is a man tramp, some of those women lie.”

“Camilla,” Damian said. “Who invited you anyway?”

“Don’t start you two,” Arlet said.

Damian gritted his teeth and sent his cousin a silent promise of retaliation. They often bickered like siblings, which was normal since they’d grown up like brother and sister. He supposed he should welcome Camilla’s jabs and jokes. She gave him shit about everything and that kept him grounded.

“So …” Arlet rested her chin on the back of her hand and grinned. “When do I get to meet her? And don’t lie and tell me there’s no one because I know you, Damian.” She searched his face intently. “Your scowl is a little less ... scowly.”

“For Christ’s sake,” he said.

“And you’ve only called me once in the past week to attempt to boss me around. That could only mean you’ve met a woman who is keeping you occupied.”

“Not wanting you to work and wanting to protect you from men who are no good is hardly bossing you around, Mamá.”

“Don’t change the subject. Invite her over for dinner.”

Throwing down his napkin, Damian threw up his arms. “There is no woman.” Both Arlet and Camilla regarded him with raised brows. He sighed in defeat. “I haven’t been seeing her long.”

Triumph flashed in his mother’s eyes, and he scowled. “It’s okay,” she said. “In this day and age, you kids move so fast. You all meet today and get married next week. I’ve been reading about those short-lived celebrity marriages. Married for three days.” Arlet made the sign of the cross and shook her head. “Dios. Can you imagine?”

Camilla grinned. “You sure have been making use of that Google, Aunty.”

“What else is there to do when I’m tired of shopping?” She sighed, sending Damian a pointed look. “If only I had something else meaningful to do.”

He rolled his eyes. She used every chance she got to let him know she wanted to get out into the real world and work. One would think that after juggling so many jobs to put food on the table and send him to college, she’d welcome the break. “Alright, Mamá.” he said. “I’ll put you in charge of organizing my upcoming charity events. How’s that?” It would keep her occupied for a while because he had quite a few charities with his name on them. He wasn’t born rich and knew the struggles that many faced. He wanted to help those who were in a similar position that he and his mother were once in so many years ago.

“It’s a start,” she said.

He watched with narrowed eyes as she gave Camilla a high-five across the table. “Back to your lady friend, son. Invite her here for dinner next weekend.” Before he could shut her down, she added, “Stay calm. It won’t be an intimate meet-the-parent dinner. Joseph will be here and so will Camilla. Okay, sweetheart?”

“I’ll be here with bells on,” Camilla said.

It was a bad idea. What would his mother think if she found out he was sleeping with an Aldridge? But, the mention of Joe overrode his concern about bringing Abby anywhere near his family. “You sure have been inviting Joe to plenty of family dinners.”

Arlet cleared her throat lightly, a faint tinge of pink flooding her cheeks. “He’s been in our lives long enough. I consider him close enough to share meals with us from time to time. Nothing wrong with that, is there?” She sprang up and started clearing the table with swift movements. “Don’t disappoint me, hijo. Bring your lady friend, and we’ll all have a good time.” She flitted out of the dining room like a nervous butterfly.

Damian seethed. He was going to put an end to Joe and his mother after he kicked Joe’s ass—that traitor