She shook her head, eyes wide and expectant. “For the first time in my life, I fear death because it would mean I’d lose you.”

“Then you better try not to get yourself killed in one of your crazy adventures.”

“How is she?” I asked Diego as I followed him upstairs to Carlotta’s room. I didn’t believe her insistence that she was fine.

“Her heart is giving us reason to worry. She probably needs another transplant.”

I nodded slowly. I’d feared that was the case. Maybe telling her about Nevio and me wasn’t the best idea, but she was my best friend, and I wanted her to know.

I knocked on her door and stepped inside. She sat at her desk, probably studying for her college classes. She looked pale, even her usually pink lips were pale as if the color had been washed from them.

I went over to her. “How do you feel?”

She sent Diego a scowl. “I hope he didn’t exaggerate. I’m fine.” She turned to me with the same scowl. “Don’t look so worried.”

I tried to relax my facial muscles but it was difficult. When Diego closed the door, I said, “I came here to tell you something, but now I’m not sure I should.”

She shoved my leg. “Stop it.” She scanned my face. “You and Nevio, right?”

I nodded. “We’re dating. I know you don’t like him…”

Carlotta pushed to her feet and put her hands on my shoulders. “I don’t like how he treated you.”

“He’s changed, Lotta. He really showed me that he wants to be with me.”

“If he keeps treating you like you deserve, then I’m fine with him.”

I grinned and hugged her. “Now I just have to tell my parents…”

Carlotta chuckled. “Good luck. Your dad’s the toughest nut to crack.”

“No, that was you.”

We both laughed.

“Can I talk to you?” I asked as I stepped into the kitchen with Battista on my hip where Mom, Dad, and Davide waited for me to have breakfast. Two weeks had passed since Nevio admitted his feelings for me, and since then, he’d snuck inside my bedroom almost every night. Nobody knew anything. They thought we only spent time together during the day with Battista.

Davide leaned back, arms crossed over his chest. For the first time, I realized how much he’d grown, and how much he looked like Dad. If only he weren’t such a pain in my ass. “This is going to be fun. She looks fucking guilty.”

“Language,” Mom admonished as she took Battista from me and put him into his high chair. I sank down beside him. I wanted Mom and Dad’s approval, but I doubted I’d get it, especially from Dad.

Dad sipped at his coffee and raised one blond brow. “Yes?”

Mom gave me an encouraging smile. Maybe I should have started with her and told her about my relationship with Nevio.

“Coffee?” Mom asked as she lifted the thermos.

I gave a terse nod. “You know I love you, and I still feel guilty for having gone behind your back—”

“So you chose to go behind our backs again?” Dad asked with narrowed eyes.

I stared. “No! I mean… I didn’t really go behind your backs.” Did they know about Nevio’s nightly visits? I couldn’t imagine Dad being so calm if that were the case.

“Your dad and I know you’re dating Nevio,” Mom said.

Dad grimaced. “My worst nightmare come true.”

Davide laughed, obviously delighted.