“Gioele wasn’t at work today. Not as a doctor at least. He was admitted last night as a patient because apparently someone ran him over with a car.”

I bared my teeth. “It’s a dangerous world.”

Aurora narrowed her eyes. “It was you.”

I shrugged. “I’m still me, Rory. I put on my civil mask more often for you, but beneath it, there’s still a monster that hungers for blood, especially when men don’t keep their distance to you.”

Aurora shook her head. “You could have killed him!”

“I ran him over with my car so I wouldn’t feel tempted to kill him because if I’d felt his blood on my skin, I would have ripped his heart out.”

Aurora blinked and slowly turned around to Battista as if she remembered his presence just now. “Did you have fun today?”

He nodded enthusiastically. His curly dark hair bobbed all over the place.

“He and I took a quick dip in the pool.”

Aurora gave me a small smile. I could tell she was still a little pissed, but she knew what she was getting herself into.

“You sure you want low-key?”

I’d given her the choice between fancy and low-key for our date, and of course, Aurora being Aurora had picked the latter.

“Definitely. No dress up or stiff settings.”

“Nothing will be stiff, promise,” I said with a devilish grin. Aurora sent me a warning look, as if Battista would get my innuendo.

I dropped them off at Fabiano’s mansion so Aurora could change out of her scrubs (though I really liked her in them and would have loved to remove them myself) and put Battista to bed before I picked her up for our date.

Two hours later, I rang the bell. Of course, Fabiano opened the door. He barred the doorway with a hard expression, arms crossed in front of his chest. He looked like a bouncer. “I don’t think I have to say anything.”

“I’ll behave and bring her back before curfew,” I said in my best everyone’s darling voice. “Promise,Sir.”

“I don’t know why an intelligent, nice girl like Aurora picks someone like you,” Fabiano muttered.

“Bad boys do it better.”

Luckily, Leona and Aurora appeared behind Fabiano at that moment or he would have punched me in the face. And while I was always eager for a bit of sparring, I was really looking forward to my date with Aurora. That alone showed how Aurora had changed me.

Aurora wore a short black overall dress, a white T-shirt beneath, and her favorite white Converse. I smiled. This was Aurora, and I hoped she’d never change.

She tapped Fabiano on the shoulder until he finally stepped back to let her pass. She scanned my shirt with raised eyebrows. I wore a black T-shirt with the KISS band logo, black cargo pants, and black Converse. “Since when do you like KISS?”

“I started listening to them in Italy.”

“Be back at ten,” Fabiano interrupted us.

“Midnight is good,” Leona said.

“I’m of age.”

Fabiano scowled at me, not her. “And you live under our roof, so you play by our rules.”

Aurora sighed as she followed me to my truck. I touched her lower back, but she moved away so my hand slid off. Fair enough. I still had a lot of work to do before Aurora would forgive me. I led her to my Ram and opened the door for her, then held out my hand to help her climb inside. She took it with a mumbled thanks and got in. The glimpse of her gorgeous legs immediately quickened my pulse, but with the utmost effort, I kept my comments to myself. Aurora wanted the good-boy version of myself today, and I’d try to give him to her.

When I sat behind the steering wheel, I said, “This is my first date.”

“I know.”