“I’ve heard the stories.” He motioned at the door. “Why don’t you come in for a drink and I’ll give your father a call to thank him.”
I nodded, not batting an eye. Dad wouldn’t admit that I’d gone without asking him. The two guards followed us inside. I cocked an eyebrow at them. Alvize was obviously scared of being alone with me. That wasn’t a good thing for a Capo. Dad was capable of defending himself as any Capo should.
“We’re family,” I said.
Alvize cackled. “That doesn’t mean much, does it?”
“For my family, it does.”
“Then why are you here? Shouldn’t you help your family in Vegas?”
My chest tightened with an unfamiliar feeling. “They don’t need help.”
Yet I knew right at that moment that I’d do anything to return to them as quickly as possible, especially to Aurora and Battista, even if both probably didn’t even want me to.
Alvize asked me to stay at his villa for a couple of days before I was supposed to leave for Naples to get in the thick of things.
I’d known Dad would be majorly pissed when he found out, but I hadn’t expected him to cross half the globe. When Alvize told me my father was on his way to the villa from the airport, I had trouble hiding my surprise.
Dad rarely bothered hiding his emotions, especially his rage. Sometimes he toned it down for Mom’s benefit, but when he stepped into the living room of the villa with Alvize by his side, only his eyes revealed his fury. His face was a mask of control while Alvize droned on and on about the current state of the Camorra in Campania.
Dad didn’t like the guy, so I knew it cost him extra effort to restrain himself.
“I need to talk to my son alone for a bit,” Dad said.
Alvize nodded. “You can stay here, and I’ll give you some privacy.”
“We’ll head into the gardens for some fresh air,” Dad said, motioning me to lead him outside. I wouldn’t have stayed inside these walls for a private conversation either. I bet Alvize had eyes and ears everywhere.
The moment Dad and I were outside, hidden between the massive olive trees, his controlled mask slipped away. “I don’t even know what to say to you.”
That was a first. “I told you I’d leave when I felt like I was losing control. Going here and helping the Camorra somewhere else seemed like a wise choice. I didn’t ask you for permission because it wouldn’t have changed anything.”
“This isn’t even why I want to slam you against this fucking tree,” Dad growled.
I nodded. “Ah. Is this about Aurora?”
Dad got in my face. “It’s about the fucking son you didn’t bother telling me about!”
I wasn’t mad at Aurora for telling my family. I’d failed her and Battista. She had no reason to take care of him for me anymore. She wanted her freedom and her life back.
“I’ve known about him for only two months.”
“Then you should have told me two months ago! Instead, I find out you made Aurora take care of your son while lying to all of us. Fabiano is pissed, and that’s an understatement. I wouldn’t turn my back on him if I were you.”
“I needed to figure things out for myself before telling you.”
“And this is how you figure out being a father?” Dad motioned around us. “Running away to Italy?”
“Trust me, everyone’s better off with me here. I need to get a grip before I return.”
“You sure as fuck will get a grip. I did and so can you.”
I glared. “But I’m not you, Dad! I have to figure things out for myself.”
“And while you figure things out, you expect everyone else to take over your responsibilities.”
“I bet Mom and Kiara love to take care of Battista while I’m gone, and all the other tasks can be done Massimo and Alessio now that they get their beauty sleep at night again.”